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Role of characteristic modes in the dynamics of wave pattern in the Czochralski oxide crystal growth 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH, 2012, 卷号: 340, 期号: 1, 页码: 190-196
Authors:  Jing CJ(敬成君);  Jia CX;  Li K(李凯);  Arima H;  Jing, CJ;  Sichuan Univ, Coll Architecture & Environm, Chengdu 610064, Peoples R China.
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Characteristic Mode  Fluid Flows  Proper Orthogonal Decomposition  Wave Pattern  Czochralski Method  Oxides  Proper Orthogonal Decomposition  Melt  Flow  Convection  Simulation  Buoyancy  Force  Grids  Field  
Numerical analysis of two distinct types of vortex dislocation in wake-type flows with different spanwise nonuniformities 会议论文
3rd M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Boston, MA, United states, June 14, 2005 - June 17, 2005
Authors:  Ling GC(凌国灿);  Niu JY(牛家玉)
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Flow Quantities  Frequency Differences  Local Irregularities  Non-uniformities  Phase Difference  Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Method  Transition Behavior  Vortex Dislocation  Vortex Dislocations  Wake Flows  Wake-type Flow