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Development of A New Approach To Earthquake Prediction: Load/Unload Response Ratio (Lurr) Theory 期刊论文
PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, 2000, 卷号: 157, 期号: 11-12, 页码: 2365-2383
Authors:  Yin XC(尹祥础);  Wang YC;  Peng KY;  Bai YL(白以龙);  Wang HT;  Yin XF;  Yin, XC (reprint author), CAS, Inst Mech, LNM, Beijing 100036, Peoples R China.
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Load/unload Response Ratio (Lurr)  Earthquake Prediction  Random Distribution Of Lurr  Intermittent Soc  Tidal Triggering Earthquake