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Kinetic Study Of The Rayleigh-Benard Flows 期刊论文
Chinese Science Bulletin, 2009, 页码: 364-368
Authors:  Zhang J(张俊);  Fan J(樊菁);  Fan J
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Rayleigh-benard Flows  Thermal Convection  Critical Rayleigh Number  Rarefied Gas Effect  Dsmc  Monte-carlo Simulation  Rarefied-gas  Convection  
Information Preservation Modeling of Rayleigh-Benard Transition from Thermal Conduction to Convection 会议论文
26th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynmaics (RGD26), Kyoto, JAPAN, JUN 20-JUL 25, 2008
Authors:  Zhang J(张俊);  Fan J(樊菁);  Zhang J
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Hydrodynamic Instability  Rayleigh-benard Flows  Dsmc  Ip Method  Rarefied-gas Flows  Monte-carlo Method  Statistical Simulation  Attractors