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Peak uplift resistance of offshore slender structures shallowly buried in the sloping seabed considering wave actions 期刊论文
APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH, 2022, 卷号: 129, 页码: 14./通讯作者:Guo, Zhen
Authors:  Yang, Hongkuan;  Guo, Zhen;  Wang, Lizhong;  Qi WG(漆文刚)
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Sloping seabed  Wave actions  Slender structures  Peak uplift resistance  Reduction  
Physical modeling of the axial pipe-soil interaction for pipeline walking on a sloping sandy seabed 期刊论文
OCEAN ENGINEERING, 2019, 卷号: 178, 页码: 20-30./通讯作者:Gao, Fu-Ping
Authors:  Shi YM(师玉敏);  Wang N(汪宁);  Gao FP(高福平);  Qi WG(漆文刚);  Wang JQ
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Sloping seabed  Pipeline walking  Pipeline-seabed interaction  Physical modeling  
Pipe-soil interaction model for current-induced pipeline instability on a sloping sandy seabed 期刊论文
CANADIAN GEOTECHNICAL JOURNAL, 2016, 卷号: 53, 期号: 11, 页码: 1822-1830
Authors:  Gao FP(高福平);  Wang N;  Li JH;  Han XT;  Gao, FP (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China.;  Gao, FP (reprint author), Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Sch Engn Sci, Beijing 100049, Peoples R China.
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Submarine Pipeline  On-bottom Stability  Sandy Seabed  Analytical Study  Pipe-soil Interaction  Sloping Seabed  
A pipe-soil interaction model for anti-rolling pipeline on-bottom stability on a sloping sandy seabed 会议论文
23rd International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-2013, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, JUN 30-JUL 05, 2013
Authors:  Han XT(韩希霆);  Gao FP(高福平);  Gao FP(高福平)
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Sloping Seabed  Pipe-soil Interaction  Lateral Stability  Theoretical Solution  
Submarine pipeline lateral instability on a sloping sandy seabed 期刊论文
OCEAN ENGINEERING, 2012, 卷号: 50, 页码: 44-52
Authors:  Gao FP(高福平);  Han XT(韩希霆);  Cao J;  Sha Y;  Cui JS(崔金声);  Gao, FP;  Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China.
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Sloping Seabed  Deepwater Pipeline  On-bottom Stability  Ocean Currents  Partially-embedded Pipeline  Scour  Flow  Stability  Currents