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Effects of Water Seepage on the Stability of Soil-Slopes 会议论文
IUTAM Symposium on the Dynamics of Extreme Events Influenced by Climate Change, Lanzhou Univ, Lanzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA, SEP 23-25, 2015
作者:  Liu QQ(刘青泉);  Li JC(李家春)
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Landslide  Stability Of Landslide  Water Seepage  Rainfall  Fluctuationof Reservoir Water Level  
Effects of Fracture Seepage on the Stability of Landslide during Reservoir Water Level Fluctuation 期刊论文
Disaster Advances, 2010, 卷号: 3, 期号: 4, 页码: 306-308
作者:  Fan HG(樊红光);  Liu QQ(刘青泉);  An Y(安翼)
Adobe PDF(495Kb)  |  收藏  |  浏览/下载:1025/255  |  提交时间:2010/12/27
Fracture Seepage  Random Fracture Network  Equivalent Permeability Tensor  Stability Of Landslide  Reservoir Water Level Fluctuation