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Evaporation Process of Sessile Liquid Droplet and Layer in Steady State 期刊论文
MICROGRAVITY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2022, 卷号: 34, 期号: 4, 页码: 10./通讯作者:Liu, Qiusheng
Authors:  Liu QS(刘秋生);  Liu, Wenjun;  Li ZL(李子龙);  Tao YQ(陶跃群);  Chen X(陈雪);  Zhu ZQ(朱志强)
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Evaporation  Liquid droplet  Liquid layer  Steady state  Thermal flow pattern  Heat flux  
Evolution of thermal patterns during steady state evaporation of sessile droplets 期刊论文
Authors:  Ye S;  Wu CM;  Zhang L;  Li YR;  Liu QS(刘秋生)
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Steady state evaporation  Sessile droplet  Thermocapillary flow  Thermal patterns  Infrared thermography  
The experimental study on local scour around a circular pipe undergoing vortex-induced vibration in steady flow 期刊论文
Authors:  Yang B;  Yang T;  Ma JL;  Cui JS(崔金声);  Yang, B (reprint author), Southwest Jiaotong Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Chengdu, Peoples R China.
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Local Scour  Circular Pipe  Vortex-induced Vibration  Steady Flow  Gap-to-diameter Ratio  
Calcium response in osteocytic networks under steady and oscillatory fluid flow 期刊论文
BONE, 2012, 卷号: 51, 期号: 3, 页码: 466-473
Authors:  Lu XL;  Huo B(霍波);  Park M;  Guo XE;  Guo, XE;  Columbia Univ, Dept Biomed Engn, Bone Bioengn Lab, 351 Engn Terrace,1210 Amsterdam Ave, New York, NY 10027 USA.
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Osteocyte  Mechanotransduction  Calcium Response  Fluid Flow  Steady  Oscillatory  Nitric-oxide Synthase  Bone Cell Mechanotransduction  Functional Gap-junctions  Osteoblastic Cells  Shear-stress  Mc3t3-e1 Osteoblasts  Molecular Regulation  Mlo-y4 Osteocytes  Mechanical Strain  Atp Release  
Fluid Dynamics Analysis of a Novel Micropatterned Cell Bioreactor 期刊论文
Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 2011, 卷号: 39, 期号: 5, 页码: 1592-1605
Authors:  Cui YH;  Huo B(霍波);  Sun SJ(孙树津);  Yang F(杨帆);  Gao YX(高宇欣);  Pan J;  Long M(龙勉);  Long, MA (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, Key Lab Micrograv, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China
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Fluid Dynamics  Cell Bioreactor  Micropattern  Steady Shear-stress  Endothelial-cells  Flow  Mechanotransduction  Environment  Prediction  Scaffolds  Adhesion  Chamber  Systems  
Behavior of vortex-induced vibration of a circular cylinder near a deformable wall with two degrees of freedom in steady flow 期刊论文
China Ocean Engineering, 2011, 卷号: 25, 期号: 4, 页码: 549-564
Authors:  Yang B;  Ma JL;  Cui JS(崔金声);  Xu WH(徐万海);  Yang, B (reprint author), SW Jiaotong Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Chengdu 610031, Peoples R China
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Vortex-induced Vibration  Two Degrees Of Freedom  Deformable Wall  Circular Cylinder  Steady Flow  Very-low Mass  Plane Boundary  Pipelines  Dynamics  Currents  Forces  Mode  Pipe  
Experimental Study Of Vortex-Induced Vibrations Of A Cylinder Near A Rigid Plane Boundary In Steady Flow 期刊论文
Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2009, 页码: 51-63
Authors:  Yang B(杨兵);  Gao FP(高福平);  Jeng DS;  Wu YX(吴应湘);  Yang B
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Vortex-induced Vibration  Cylinder Near a Plane Boundary  Steady Flow  Vortex Shedding  Very-low Mass  Circular-cylinder  Fluid Forces  Cross-flow  Dynamics  Model  
Physical Modeling And Parametric Study On Two-Degree-Of-Freedom Viv Of A Cylinder Near Rigid Wall 期刊论文
China Ocean Engineering, 2009, 卷号: 23, 期号: 1, 页码: 119-132
Authors:  Yang B(杨兵);  Gao FP(高福平);  Li DH(李东晖);  Wu YX(吴应湘);  Yang B
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Vortex-induced Vibration  Cylinder Near a Wall  Two Degrees Of Freedom  Steady Flow  Gap-to-diameter Ratio  Mass Ratio  Vortex-induced Vibrations  Very-low Mass  Plane Boundary  Dynamics  Currents  Freedom  Forces  
Flow-Induced Vibrations Of A Cylinder With Two Degrees Of Freedom Near Rigid Plane Boundary 期刊论文
International Journal of Offshore And Polar Engineering, 2008, 页码: 302-307
Authors:  Yang B(杨兵);  Gao FP(高福平);  Wu YX(吴应湘);  Yang, B (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, Beijing 100080, Peoples R China.
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Flow-induced Vibration (Fiv)  Near-wall Cylinder  2 Degrees Of Freedom  Streamwise Vibration  Transverse Vibration  Vortex-induced Vibrations  Induced Oscillations  Pipeline  Currents  Steady  
Numerical estimate of the stability curve for the flow past a rotating cylinder 期刊论文
Physics of Fluids, 2004, 卷号: 16, 期号: 7, 页码: 2697-2699
Authors:  Xiong J(熊俊);  Ling GC(凌国灿);  Zhu KQ(朱克勤);  Xiong, J (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, State Key Lab Nonlinear Mech, Beijing 100080, Peoples R China.
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Navier-stokes Equations  Spectral Element Method  Circular-cylinder  Reynolds-numbers  Laminar-flow  Aspect Ratio  Wake  Instability  Steady