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Supercritical CO2 fracturing with different drilling depths in shale 期刊论文
作者:  Yang, Hongwei;  Zhao Y(赵源);  Zhang, Xinghua;  Liu, Guojun;  Du, Xidong;  Shang, Delei;  Yu, Yongjun;  Chen, Juan;  Wang, Hui;  Tu, Huaijian
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Acoustic emission  fracturing  supercritical CO2  damage characteristic  crack morphology  
Optimization of the self-condensing CO2 transcritical power cycle using solar thermal energy 期刊论文
APPLIED ENERGY, 2019, 卷号: 253, 页码: 8./通讯作者:Pan, Lisheng
作者:  Pan LS(潘利生);  Li B;  Shi WX;  Wei XL(魏小林)
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CO2 transcritical power cycle  Supercritical CO2 Brayton cycle  Solar thermal energy  CO2 condensation  
Optimization of the self-condensing CO2 transcritical power cycle using solar thermal energy 会议论文
10th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE), Hong Kong, HONG KONG, AUG 22-25, 2018
作者:  Pan LS(潘利生);  Li,Bing;  Shi,Weixiu;  Wei XL(魏小林)
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CO2 transcritical power cycle  Supercritical CO2 Brayton cycle  Solar thermal energy  CO2 condensation  
Interaction between Hydroxyl Group and Water Saturated Supercritical CO2 Revealed by a Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study 期刊论文
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2017, 卷号: 231, 页码: 185-191
作者:  Chen C;  Zhang N;  Shen WJ(沈伟军);  Li WZ;  Song YC;  Chen, C (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Minist Educ, Key Lab Ocean Energy Utilizat & Energy Conservat, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China.
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Hydrogen Bond  Supercritical Co2  Molecular Dynamics Simulation  Physi-sorption  
CO2geological sequestration modelling and injection induced fracturing analysis of the caprock 会议论文
3rd ISRM Symposium on Rock Characterisation, Modelling and Engineering Design Methods, SINOROCK 2013, Shanghai, China, June 18, 2013 - June 20, 2013
作者:  Liu XL;  Lin P;  Wang EZ;  He GH;  Han GF(韩国锋)
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Anisotropy  Aquifers  Buoyancy  Design  Hydrogeology  Porous materials  Rocks  Buoyancy driven flows  Deep saline aquifers  Flow and transport  Fracturing process  Geological sequestration  Permeability anisotropy  Saturated porous media  Supercritical CO2  
Microscopic Model Of Nano-Scale Particles Removal In High Pressure Co2-Based Solvents 期刊论文
Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2009, 卷号: 49, 期号: 2, 页码: 182-188
作者:  Chai JJ;  Zhang XG;  Huang J;  Tan X;  Dai GL(戴国亮)
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Equilibrium Separation Distance  Net Adhesion Force  High Pressure  Supercritical Co2  Part Cleaning  Supercritical Carbon-dioxide  Interfacial-tension  Pattern Collapse  Surfactants  Equilibrium  Density  Ethanol  Bridges  Fluid  Water