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A method for rapid generation of 3D infrared radiation intensity field of engine exhaust plume 会议论文
6th Symposium on Novel Optoelectronic Detection Technology and Applications, Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA, 3 December 2019 through 5 December 2019
Authors:  Bao XD(包醒东);  Yu XL(余西龙);  Wang Z.-H;  Mao H.-X;  Xiao Z.-H.
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Calculation method  Exhaust plume  Infrared spectroscopy  Radiation intensity  Three-dimensional space  
Lattice Boltzmann Simulations of a pitch-up and pitch-down maneuver of a span-wise flexible wing in a free stream flow Read More: 会议论文
50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, Nashville, TN, United states, JAN 09-12, 2012
Authors:  Qi DW;  He GW(何国威);  Liu YM
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Aerospace Engineering  Deformation  Exhibitions  Flexible Wings  Reynolds Number  Rigidity  Vortex Flow  Aerodynamic Forces  Chord-based Reynolds Number  Flexural Rigidities  Free Stream  Free-stream Flow  Lattice Boltzmann  Leading-edge Vortices  Lift Coefficient  Lift Force  Particle Methods  Pitch Rate  Power Efficiency  Reduced Frequency  Three Dimensional Space  Time-periods  Tip Edge  Trailing Edges  Trailing Vortex