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Interaction of two oblique internal solitary waves in the presence of shoaling topography and rotation 期刊论文
OCEAN MODELLING, 2024, 卷号: 190, 页码: 102402./通讯作者:Yuan CX
Authors:  Su, Yaru;  Wang Z(王展);  Gong, Yankun;  Yuan, Chunxin;  Zhang, Jingliang
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Shoaling topography  Earth's rotation  Internal solitary waves  
Spacial Distribution of Salinity and the Mechanism of Saltwater Intrusion in the Modaomen Water Channel of Pear River Estuary 会议论文
the Sixth International Conference on Fluid Mechanics, Guangzhou, (China), 2011
Authors:  Liu JB(刘杰斌);  Yao B
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Rivers  Channel Flow  Tides  Topography (Earth)  Rivers  Channel Flow  Surface Waves And Tides  Topography  Geometric Observations