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Numerical study of conjugate heat transfer of supercritical kerosene flow in rectangular cooling channel 会议论文
15th International Heat Transfer Conference, IHTC 2014, Kyoto, Japan, August 10, 2014 - August 15, 2014
Authors:  Zhong FQ(仲峰泉);  Dang GX(党国鑫);  Xing YF(邢云绯);  Chen LH(陈立红);  Zhang XY(张新宇);  Zhong, Fengquan ([email protected])
Favorite  |  View/Download:219/0  |  Submit date:2017/05/27
Conjugate Heat Transfer  Heat Conduction Equations  Numerical Study  Pseudo-critical Temperature  Rectangular Cooling Channels  Supercritical Kerosenes  Thermodynamic And Transport Properties  Turbulent Transports