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Two dimensional measurements of receptor ligand interactions 期刊论文
FRONTIERS IN MOLECULAR BIOSCIENCES, 2023, 卷号: 10, 页码: 1154074./通讯作者:Wu, HP, Wu, HL (corresponding author), Zhejiang Univ Technol, Coll Mech Engn, Hangzhou, Peoples R China., Wang, XH (corresponding author), Peking Univ Third Hosp, Dept Rehabil Med, Beijing, Peoples R China.
Authors:  Zheng SJ(郑松杰);  Zou M(邹敏);  Shao YF(邵颖峰);  Wu, Huaping;  Wu, Helong;  Wang XH(王小环)
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receptor ligand interaction  binding kinetics  kinetic on rate  kinetic off rate  binding affinity  two dimensional measuring methods  
Modeling of Cell Aggregation Dynamics Governed by Receptor-Ligand Binding Under Shear Flow 期刊论文
Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering, 2011, 卷号: 4, 期号: 3, 页码: 427-441
Authors:  Fu ZL(傅长亮);  Tong CF(佟春芳);  Dong C;  Long M(龙勉);  Long, M (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Key Lab Micrograv, Inst Mech, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China
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Two-dimensional Kinetics  Cone-plate Viscometer  Homotypic Aggregation  Heterotypic Aggregation  Bell Model  Protein G-igg Bond  Beta(2)-integrin And Icam-1 Bond  Human Blood-platelets  Intercellular-adhesion Molecule-1  Hydrodynamic Shear  Disaggregation Kinetics  Neutrophil Aggregation  Sequential Binding  Mediated Adhesion  Stable Adhesion  Melanoma-cells  Latex Spheres