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Efficient computation of ultraviolet radiation from bow shock waves 会议论文
The 29th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, 中国陕西西安, 2014-07-13
作者:  Zhang YH(张羽淮);  Wan T(万田);  Jiang JZ(蒋建政);  Fan J(樊菁)
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Ultraviolet  Emissions  Stokes  Hydroxyl  Navier  Dsmc  Negligible  Briefly  Details  Assumption  
Antibody oriented immobilization on gold using the reaction between carbon disulfide and amine groups and its application in immunosensing 期刊论文
LANGMUIR, 2012, 卷号: 28, 期号: 51, 页码: 17718-17725
作者:  Niu Y(牛宇);  Matos AI;  Abrantes LM;  Viana AS;  Jin G(靳刚);  Viana A.S.
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Adsorption  Atomic Force Microscopy  Carbon Disulfide  Cyclic Voltammetry  Gold  Immunosensors  Organic Compounds  Surface Plasmon Resonance  Ultraviolet Visible Spectroscopy