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Untangling the coupling effect of water quality and quantity on lake algal blooms in Lake Hulun from a dual perspective of remote sensing and sediment cores 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 2024, 卷号: 645, 页码: 132141./通讯作者:Li Y, Yao B
Authors:  Zhang, Hao;  Li, Yu;  Yao B(姚波);  Huang, Yuqi;  Wang, Shengrui;  Ni, Shouqing
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Algal blooms  Water quality  Water quantity  Coupling effects  Hulun Lake  
An ecological dynamics model of algae growth in Taihu Lake and the analysis of its influencing factors 会议论文
1st International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection, ICEEP 2012, Hohhot, China, JUN 23-24, 2012
Authors:  Liu QQ(刘青泉);  Gao Y(高永);  Xu XF(许旭峰);  Liu QQ(刘青泉)
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Chlorophyll  Computer Simulation  Dynamics  Eutrophication  Factor Analysis  Phosphorus  Water Quality  Algae Growth  Dominating Factors  Ecological Dynamics  Influencing Factor  Respiration Rate  Saturation Constant  Taihu Lakes  Temperature Influence  Total Nitrogen  Total Phosphorus  
Numerical Study on the Characteristics of Water Exchange in Taihu Lake, China 会议论文
Proceeding of the sixth International Conference on Fluid Mechanics (New Trends in Fluid Mechanics Research), AIP Conf. Proc. Vol. 1376, Guangzhou ,China, 2011-06-30~2011-07-03
Authors:  Gao Y(高永);  Liu QQ(刘青泉)
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Water Exchange  Relation Matrix  Half-exchange Time  Water Quality Model  Taihu Lake  
Characteristics of Water Exchange in Taihu Lake of China 会议论文
6th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics, Guangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA, JUN 30-JUL 03, 2011
Authors:  Gao Y(高永);  Liu QQ(刘青泉);  Gao, Y (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, Lab Environm Mech, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China.
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Water Exchange  Relation Matrix  Half-exchange Time  Water Quality Model  Taihu Lake  
Numerical Study on the Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Water Quality in the Taihu Lake of China 会议论文
Hydrology Conference 2010 (The Changing Physical and Social Environment: Hydrologic Impacts and Feedbacks), San Diego, CA, USA, 2010-10-11~ 2010-10-13
Authors:  Liu QQ(刘青泉);  Xu XF(许旭锋);  Yin XL
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Taihu Lake Is The Third Largest Fresh Water Lake In chIna. With The Fast Economic Development  Abundant Industrial And Agricultural Waste Water Has Been Discharged Into Taihu Lake  Causing The Eutrophication Of The Water Quality  Which Greatly Affected The Water Utility. In The Past Decades  The Treatment Of Taihu Lake Has Witnessed Limited Success. Therefore  It Is Practically And Theoretically Significant To Study The EutrophicatiOn Of Taihu Lake. thIs Research Has Focused On The Issue Of Water qualIty Including The characterIstics Of Spatial And Temporal dIstributiOns  And The Rules Of Nutrient Diffusion In The Taihu Lake Area.  
New progress and development of engineering blasting in China 会议论文
9th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, FRAGBLAST 9, Granada, Spain, September 13, 2009 - September 17, 2009
Authors:  Wang XG;  Liu DS;  Zhou JH;  Wang, X.G.
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Adjacent Structures  Blasting Parameters  Collapsed Structures  Demolition Projects  Dust Pollution  Explosion Temperature  Fenghuo Shan Tunnel  Geological Conditions  High Quality  High Temperature  Hydropower Projects  Major Construction Project  Overexcavation  Power Station  Production Techniques  Qinghai Tibet Railway  Rock Excavation  Smooth Blasting  Soil Environment  Underground Plants  Underground Powerhouse  Water Conservancy  Weir Structure  
Numerical Study on the Distribution Characteristics of TP in Taihu Lake, China 期刊论文
Disaster Advances, 2010, 卷号: 3, 期号: 4, 页码: 560-562
Authors:  Gao Y(高永);  Xu XF(许旭锋);  Liu QQ(刘青泉)
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Taihu Lake  Eutrophication  Total Phosphorus (Tp)  Water Quality Model  Numerical Simulation