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Combined wave-current induced excess pore-pressure in a sandy seabed: Flume observations and comparisons with theoretical models 期刊论文
COASTAL ENGINEERING, 2019, 卷号: 147, 页码: 89-98./通讯作者:Gao, Fu-Ping
Authors:  Qi WG(漆文刚);  Li CF(李畅飞);  Jeng DS;  Gao FP(高福平);  Liang ZD
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Excess pore-pressure  Flume experiment  Sandy seabed  Combined waves and current  Boundary layer  Wave-current interactions  
An analytical solution for response of a porous seabed to combined wave and current loading 期刊论文
OCEAN ENGINEERING, 2013, 卷号: 57, 页码: 240-247
Authors:  Zhang Y;  Jeng DS;  Gao FP(高福平);  Zhang JS;  Jeng, DS (reprint author), Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ, Dept Civil Engn, Ctr Marine Geotech Engn, Key Lab Ocean Engn, Shanghai 200240, Peoples R China.
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Pore Pressure  Wave-current Interactions  Porous Seabed  Effective Stresses