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Effect of the number of projections in X-ray CT imaging on image quality and digital volume correlation measurement 期刊论文
MEASUREMENT, 2022, 卷号: 194, 页码: 12./通讯作者:Pan, Bing
Authors:  Zhang, Xuanhao;  Sun LJ(孙立娟);  Wang, Bo;  Pan, Bing
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Digital volume correlation  Number of projections  X-ray computed tomography  FDK algorithm  
In situ X-ray imaging of fatigue crack growth from multiple defects in additively manufactured AlSi10Mg alloy 期刊论文
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE, 2022, 卷号: 155, 页码: 13./通讯作者:Wu, Shengchuan
Authors:  Qian, Weijian;  Wu, Shengchuan;  Wu, Zhengkai;  Ahmed, Saad;  Zhang, Wen;  钱桂安n;  Withers, Philip J.
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Additive manufacturing (AM)  Multiple defects  

Synchrotron X-ray micro computed & nbsp  Fatigue crack growth prediction  AlSi10Mg alloys  tomography ( mu CT)

A review of applications of CT imaging on fiber reinforced composites 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS, 2022, 卷号: 56, 期号: 1, 页码: 133-164./通讯作者:Gao, Yantao, Sun, Lijuan
Authors:  Gao, Yantao;  Hu, Wenfeng;  Xin, Sanfa;  Sun LJ(孙立娟)
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X-ray computed tomography  permeability  microstructure  modeling  failure  mechanical properties  
Synchrotron X-ray micro-computed tomography imaging of 3D re-entrant micro lattice during in situ micro compression experimental process 期刊论文
MATERIALS & DESIGN, 2020, 卷号: 192, 页码: 9./通讯作者:Wu, Wenwang, Xi, Li, Xiao, Dengbao
Authors:  Wu WW;  Qi DX;  Hu WX;  Xi L;  Sun LJ(孙立娟);  Liao BB;  Berto F;  Qian GA(钱桂安);  Xiao DB
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3D re-entrant  Synchrotron X-ray tomography  Mechanical properties  Projection Micro Litho Stereo Exposure (P mu LSE)  
Characterisation of air-in-water upward flows with Electrical Impedance Tomography and Wire Mesh Sensor 会议论文
7th World Congress in Industrial Process Tomography, WCIPT7, Krakow, Poland, September 2, 2013 - September 5, 2013
Authors:  Jia J;  Wang M;  Faraj Y;  Zhang J;  Yu X;  Jia, J.
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Conjugate Gradients Methods  Electrical Impe Dance Tomography (Eit)  Electrical Impedance Tomography  Iterative Algorithm  Lamellar Microstructure  Linear Back Projection Algorithms  Volumetric Fractions  x Ray Microtomography  
Fracture Mechanisms And Size Effects Of Brittle Metallic Foams: In Situ Compression Tests Inside Sem 期刊论文
Composites Science and Technology, 2008, 页码: 2441-2450
Authors:  Song HW(宋宏伟);  He QJ(何其健);  Xie JJ(谢季佳);  Tobota A;  Song, HW (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, State Key Lab Nonlinear Mech LNM, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China.
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Metallic Foams  Mechanical Properties  Stress/strain Curves  Deformation  Scanning Electron Microscopy (Sem)  Ductile Cellular Solids  X-ray Tomography  Aluminum Foam  Energy-absorption  Sandwich Beams  3d Characterization  Finite-element  Deformation  Behavior  Collapse