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Anelastic relaxation considering physical aging effects in a high-entropy metallic glass 期刊论文
SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 2024, 页码: 9./通讯作者:Qiao, JiChao, Pineda, Eloi
Authors:  Duan,YaJuan;  Xu,ZongRui;  Zhang,LangTing;  Nabahat,Mehran;  Wang YJ(王云江);  Yang,Yong;  Wada,Takeshi;  Kato,Hidemi;  Pellerier,JeanMarc;  Qiao,JiChao;  Pineda,Eloi
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creep  anelastic behavior  high-entropy metallic glass  aging  structural relaxation  
Sluggish dynamics of homogeneous flow in high-entropy metallic glasses 期刊论文
SCRIPTA MATERIALIA, 2022, 卷号: 214, 页码: 6./通讯作者:Qiao, J. C.
Authors:  Zhang LT;  Wang YJ(王云江);  Pineda E;  Kato H;  Yang Y;  Qiao JC
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High-entropy metallic glass  Mechanical relaxation  Creep  Free volume  
Dynamic mechanical relaxation and thermal creep of high-entropy La30Ce30Ni10Al20Co10 bulk metallic glass 期刊论文
SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY, 2021, 卷号: 64, 期号: 9, 页码: 11./通讯作者:Qiao, JiChao
Authors:  Zhang, LangTing;  Duan, YaJuan;  Crespo, Daniel;  Pineda, Eloi;  Wang YJ(王云江);  Pelletier, Jean-Marc;  Qiao, JiChao
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high-entropy bulk metallic glass  mechanical relaxation  creep  recovery process  shear transformation zone  structural heterogeneity  
Stress relaxation in high-entropy Pd20Pt20Cu20Ni20P20 metallic glass: Experiments, modeling and theory 期刊论文
MECHANICS OF MATERIALS, 2021, 卷号: 160, 页码: 10./通讯作者:Qiao, J. C., Wang, Yun-Jiang
Authors:  Duan, YJ;  Qiao, JC;  Wada, T;  Kato, H;  Pineda, E;  Crespo, D;  Wang YJ(王云江)
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High-entropy metallic glass  Stress relaxation  Linear relaxation model  Structural heterogeneity  Viscoelastic deformation  
Inelastic deformation of metallic glasses under dynamic cyclic loading 期刊论文
SCRIPTA MATERIALIA, 2021, 卷号: 194, 页码: 6./通讯作者:Qiao, J. C.
Authors:  Duan YJ;  Qiao JC;  Wada T;  Kato H;  Wang YJ(王云江);  Pineda E;  Crespo D
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High-entropy metallic glass  Flow defects  Free-volume zones  Inelastic deformation  
Excellent irradiation tolerance and mechanical behaviors in high-entropy metallic glasses 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS, 2019, 卷号: 527, 页码: 8./通讯作者:Zhang, Kun
Authors:  Wang Y(王洋);  Zhang K(张坤);  Feng YH(冯义辉);  Li YS(李炎森);  Tang WQ(唐伟奇);  Zhang YT(张亚婷);  Wei BC(魏炳忱);  Hu Z(胡铮)
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High-entropy metallic glass  Irradiation damage  Serrated flow  Creep behavior