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The scientific vision of the project wgFBCE-CSS (Plenary Lecture). 会议论文
14th Asian Microgravity Symposium – 2024, Chennai, India., December 1-6, 2024,
Authors:  Du WF(杜王芳);  Zhao X;  Li X;  Ding JZ;  Qiao ZH;  Shao CY;  Li W;  He FL;  Zhu F(朱凤);  Wei L;  Li K(李凯);  Zhao JF(赵建福)
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HFE-7100 spray cooling under microgravity: the liquid film dynamics and heat transfer (Keynote Lecture). 会议论文
14th Asian Microgravity Symposium – 2024, Chennai, India., December 1-6, 2024,
Authors:  Zhao X;  Chen Y;  Guo Q;  Zhao JF(赵建福);  Li K(李凯)
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Project vgBOILING-CSS: A Case Study of the Space Flight Experiments aboard the National Space Laboratory - China Space Station (CSS) (Plenary Lecture). 会议论文
5th International Sustainable Development Laboratory Conference, Beijing, China., December 6-7, 2024,
Authors:  Zhao JF(赵建福);  Du WF(杜王芳);  Li X;  Qiao ZH;  Ye F
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Combined laser irradiation damage effects and mechanisms 会议论文
The 7th International Symposium on Laser Interaction with Matter, Shenzhen, China, 2024-11-20
Authors:  Ma T(马特);  Yuan W(袁武);  Wang RX(王睿星);  Song HW(宋宏伟)
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High-power laser resistance of ablative material-filled sandwich structures with truss cores 会议论文
The 7th International Symposium on Laser Interaction with Matter, Shenzhen, China, 2024-11-20
Authors:  Yuan W(袁武)
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Study on the multi-parameter inversion problem of oblique incidence thermal loads based on multivariate thermal-mechanical response 会议论文
The 7th International Symposium on Laser Interaction with Matter, Shenzhen, China, 2024-11-20
Authors:  Du WQ(杜文琦)
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Experimental study on laser ablation behavior of a diffused silicone rubber composite coating under hypersonic airflow 会议论文
The 7th International Symposium on Laser Interaction with Matter, Shenzhen, China, 2024-11-20
Authors:  Wang GJ(王高洁)
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空间站变重力科学实验进展与展望 (分论坛邀请报告). 会议论文
第六届中国载人航天学术大会/S06空间微重力物理实验与应用技术分论坛, 深圳, 2024年11月21-22日,
Authors:  赵建福;  周妍林;  杜王芳;  乔志宏;  李响;  王珂.
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月面重力下封闭式两相热虹吸管传热性能研究 (主旨报告). 会议论文
2024年中国工程热物理学会多相流年会, 天津, 2024年11月8-10日,
Authors:  何发龙;  杜王芳;  苗建印;  何江;  张红星;  刘思学;  刘畅;  赵建福.
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变重力池沸腾空间站实验进展 (主旨报告). 会议论文
2024年中国工程热物理学会多相流年会, 天津, 2024年11月8-10日,
Authors:  杜王芳;  赵建福.
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