Roadway support is always the focus research of rockburst. Using similar simulation experiments and numerical simulation methods, the impact failure process of roadway under nude alley and rigid-flexible energy absorbing support is studied. Experimental and numerical results indicate that the deformation and failure without support are more serious than those with rigid-flexible coupled support. The cracks in the roof and at two side walls are extended and through, even objects are thrown into the roadway and collapse under nude alley. The rigid-flexible coupled support plays a good role in absorbing impact energy, and thus internal deformation occurs in the roof and two walls, while cracks take place in partial wall. But the roadway is good when the rigid-flexible energy absorbing support is used. The impact failure laws of coal roadway under nude alley and rigid-flexible coupled support are similar. The results also show that energy absorbing support has advantages of weak impact damage and good integrality, and the rigid-flexible coupled support is better for rockburst roadway.