Hypervelocity (above 5 km/s) test flow is the essential test environment to study reentry physics of space vehicles or capsules. To the date, an expansion tube is one of the few qualified test facilities on the ground. A detonation-driven expansion tube (JF-16) has been built at the State Key Laboratory of High-temperature Gas Dynamics in order to generate relatively steady and clean test flow at high enthalpies. A series of typical model tests has been completed in recent years. Test flow at velocities above 10 km/s has been successfully obtained via JF-16 after upgrade. An expansion tunnel nozzle has been designed for the JF-16 facility. Generally, the test time duration of a shock-expansion tube is extremely shorter as compared to a reflected-shock tunnel of the same scale which results in difficulties in the flow measurement and diagnostics. Numerical simulation is a powerful assistant analysis tool for the study of hypervelocity test flow. Calibration tests as well as numerical simulation are conducted to evaluate the performance of the upgraded test facility.