Modeling the stress-strain properties of synthetic fiber mooring lines under cyclic loading
Huang W ; Liu HX ; Hu C(胡存)
会议录名称 Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference
会议名称 24th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2014 Busan
会议日期 June 15, 2014 - June 20, 2014
会议地点 Busan, Korea, Republic of
摘要 The nonlinear stress-strain relationship of synthetic fiber ropes under cyclic loading is a property of vital importance which directly influences the dynamic tension response of mooring lines. How to capture the load-elongation relationship of the synthetic fiber mooring lines under cyclic loading and obtain the quantitative description is a key problem which would be of interest to mooring system designers, platform operators and researchers. The former studies were insufficient to take into account the true loading history, creep behavior and the evolution of the dynamic stiffness. A viscoelastic and viscoplastic model is developed herein to describe the stress-strain properties of synthetic fiber mooring lines. The total strain is decomposed into a recoverable viscoelastic strain and an irrecoverable plastic strain. The time-dependent property and the evolution of the dynamic stiffness can be fully incorporated in the developed model. The model is examined by comparing with the experimental results of polyester ropes under both creep-recovery and sinusoidal loadings. Through a detailed parametric analysis, further knowledge of the hysteresis loop and the dynamic stiffness evolution is clearly obtained. The present work is beneficial to improving the understanding of the performance of synthetic fiber ropes, and also provides a better basis for the further research on the mechanical problems of synthetic fiber mooring lines under complicated loading conditions. Copyright © 2014 by the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE).
关键词 Dynamic Stiffness
Loading History
Mooring Line
Stress-strain Property
Time Dependent Behavior
课题组名称 LMFS流固土耦合力学(LHO)
ISBN号 9781880653913
收录类别 EI
语种 英语
文献类型 会议论文
专题 流固耦合系统力学重点实验室
推荐引用方式 GB/T 7714
Huang W,Liu HX,Hu C. Modeling the stress-strain properties of synthetic fiber mooring lines under cyclic loading[C]Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference,2014.
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