IMECH-IR  > 流固耦合系统力学重点实验室
Alternative TitleProgressive damage induced damage-aggravation effect and an energy dissipation model of brittle materials
Thesis Advisor李世海
Degree Grantor中国科学院大学
Place of Conferral北京
Degree Discipline工程力学
Keyword连续-非连续 渐进破坏过程 能量演化 能量耗散模型 冲击荷载







Other Abstract

Progressive damage is widespread in the fields of geotechnical engineering, national defense engineering and architecture. Besides, energy plays an important role in the progressive damage process. Based on the source of energy, it can be broadly classified into internal energy evolution-induced damage and external energy input-induced damage. Therefore, research on the mechanism of progressive damage to mechanical response characteristics, establishment of statistical algorithms for different types of energy in the progressive damage process, and construction of energy dissipation model describing crack formation are of great significance for accurately evaluating the macroscopic bearing strength of model and obtaining the energy evolution characteristics.

In this paper, firstly, aiming at the mechanism of progressive damage on mechanical response characteristics, the "damage-aggravation effect" of progressive damage and the quantitative index progressive failure ratio Kt are proposed. Subsequently, based on the basic concept of Continuum-Discontinuum Element Method (CDEM) and the constitutive model characteristics of block and interface, an energy statistical algorithm that accurately counts all energy types is established. Then, according to the multi-scale model of rock, Lennard-Jones potential and van der Waals force, an energy dissipation model based on the microscopic fracture mechanism of rock is established. Finally, the evolution characteristics of deflection, deformation, crack and energy of low-grade highway under impact load during the launch of vehicle-mounted missile are studied. The main contents and conclusions are as follows:

(1) The "damage-aggravation effect" of progressive damage and the quantitative index progressive damage ratio Kt are proposed, and the mechanism of progressive damage on the mechanical response characteristics of model is explained. When the model undergoes progressive damage, due to the existence of stress redistribution, the damage will have a "damage-aggravation effect", resulting in a decrease in the macroscopic bearing strength. In the slope stability analysis, the theoretical analysis and numerical simulation results show that the slope safety factor obtained by the limit equilibrium method can more accurately reflect the slope stability after the overall anti-sliding force is corrected based on the progressive damage ratio Kt.

(2) An energy statistical algorithm is established, which can accurately statistic model all energy types in the process of transforming from continuum medium to discontinuous medium. Firstly, based on the basic concept of Continuum-Discontinuum Element Method, the energy is divided into element deformation energy WEE, element kinetic energy WEV, spring deformation energy WPE, spring fracture energy WPC, friction energy WR and damping energy WD. Then, according to the constitutive model characteristics of block and interface, a statistical algorithm for each energy is established. Finally, four numerical cases verify that the energy statistics algorithm has good self-consistent and robustness.

(3) An energy dissipation model based on the rock microscopic fracture mechanism is established to accurately characterize the fracture energy and mechanical behavior in the process of crack formation and propagation. Based on the multi-scale model of rock (RVE scale-particle scale-molecular scale), Lennard-Jones potential and van der Waals force, the force equation and potential energy equation of the energy dissipation model in the tensile process and the shear process are established. Finally, the accuracy of the energy dissipation model is verified by comparing the numerical simulation results with the theoretical results and experimental results.

(4) The evolution characteristics of deflection, deformation, crack and energy of low-grade highway under impact load during the launch of vehicle-mounted missiles are obtained. The numerical results show that the change trend of deflection time-history curve at the load center point is consistent with that of impact load time-history curve, the maximum instantaneous deflection corresponds to the peak value of impact load, and the deformation of highway mainly occurs on the upper part of roadbed. Crack mainly occurs when the impact load increases rapidly, and the failure type includes tensile failure and shear failure. The time-history curves of various constituent energy are different, but they are closely related to the change trend of impact load.

Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
林钦栋. 脆性材料渐进破坏的破裂加剧效应及能量耗散模型[D]. 北京. 中国科学院大学,2021.
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