IMECH-IR  > 流固耦合系统力学重点实验室
Alternative TitleTheoretical Analysis on the Thermal Buckling Behavior of the Material Filled Sandwich Panels with Truss Cores
Thesis Advisor袁武
Degree Grantor中国科学院大学
Place of Conferral北京
Degree Discipline固体力学
Keyword点阵结构, 热屈曲, 均值刚度矩阵, 热-力失效图谱







Other Abstract

Lattice sandwich structure with filler(LSSF) has a broad application prospect in aerospace, aviation, transportation and other engineering fields Because of its excellent bearing capacity and multi-function integration. In recent years, the research work on LSSF mainly focuses on its bearing capacity and impact energy absorption characteristics under normal temperature environment, and the theoretical research on the failure behavior of the LSSF under complex thermal-force load, such as thermal shock, thermal buckling and other key properties, is still lack of systematic research work.Therefore, this paper mainly studies the thermal buckling behavior of LSSF and obtains the influence law of different materials and geometric parameters on the thermal and mechanical failure behavior of this structure through theoretical analysis.

Firstly, based on the law of conservation of strain energy, the equivalent stiffness matrix of filling lattice sandwich was obtained by fine-macro scale analysis of the relationship between total strain energy and strain energy of truss and filler. On this basis, the relationship between the equivalent mechanical properties of LSSF and the parameters of truss (including geometric configuration, section, modulus) and the parameters of filler is analyzed, which provides theoretical guidance for the structural design.

Secondly, based on the study of equivalent mechanical properties of LSSF, the governing equations for thermal buckling analysis of sandwich plates with LSSF plate under uniform temperature rise were obtained by using Hamiltonian principle, and the critical failure temperatures of LSSF plates under different boundary conditions were obtained by using Zig-Zag shear theory. The influences of boundary conditions, shear model, material parameters and geometrical parameters on the critical buckling temperature of LSSF plate are analyzed.

Then, the critical loads under different failure modes of LSSF plate under high temperature are given, including overall buckling, bar buckling, yield, etc. By comparing the sizes of different failure modes, the critical transformation relationships among different failure modes are obtained, and the failure atlatures under dimensionless geometric parameters are formed. The influence of load parameters and geometric parameters on the failure graph was analyzed.

In summary, the theoretical derivation and finite element verification in this paper not only achieve the development of the homogeneous stiffness coefficient theory and plate buckling theory to be suitable for LSSF plates, but also simplify the original theory in the process, making its applicability wider and more concise. Finally, the physical and geometric factors that affect the strength of each component (including itself and the connection between them) are deeply analyzed, and the formula that can guide the heat resistance strength of the plate is put forward.

This paper has summarized three formulas about the stiffness and strength of the  lattice with filler sandwich plate respectively . As for the homogeneous stiffness of lattice with filler sandwich plate, the relationship between the homogeneous stiffness and the geometric and physical parameters of lattice with filler sandwich plate has been established, which can be used to guide the stiffness design of lattice with filler sandwich plate. As for the thermal buckling formula of lattice with filler sandwich plate, the relationship between the critical temperature and geometrical, physical factors of lattice with filler sandwich plates has been established, which can be used to improve the thermal resistance of sandwich plate. Finally thermal failure formula of lattice with filler sandwich plate summarized various failure behavior, and a variety of relation between failure behavior and physical and geometrical parameters of lattice with filler sandwich plate under thermal and mechanical load has been concluded, the formula can be used to guide the thermal failure strength design, lightweight design of lattice with filler sandwich plate is also based on the thermal  failure formula. Combined with the failure graph, the formula can be used to guide the specific strength design of lattice with filler sandwich plate

Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
胡修禹. 填充点阵夹层板的热屈曲理论研究[D]. 北京. 中国科学院大学,2021.
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