IMECH-IR  > 非线性力学国家重点实验室
Alternative TitleMechanical properties and deformation mechanism of monolayer amorphous carbon
Thesis Advisor魏宇杰
Degree Grantor中国科学院大学
Place of Conferral北京
Degree Discipline固体力学
Keyword单原子层非晶碳(MAC) 二维材料的三维化构筑 类塑性变形 二维材料增韧 晶格无序

材料的强度和韧性是衡量其力学性能的两个重要指标,足够的强度和韧性是材料在实际工程应用中可靠性和安全性的基本保障。石墨烯等二维材料因其优异的面内性能而有着非常广泛的应用。但如何提升其强度和韧性,以及基于二维材料构筑具有高强度和高韧性的三维结构都面临巨大挑战,这些挑战极大地限制了二维材料的应用。本文基于单原子层非晶碳材料monolayer amorphous carbon, MAC的强韧机理及三维构筑开展研究,取得的主要创新性成果如下:





Other Abstract

Strength and toughness are two critical mechanical properties of a material, which are required to be high enough to ensure the reliability and safety of the material in practical engineering applications. Two-dimensional(2D) materials, such as graphene, are promising candidates for various applications owing to their excellent in-plane properties. However, improving their strength and toughness and the scale-up of 2D sheets as building blocks for three-dimensional(3D) materials with high strength and toughness are facing significant challenges. Based on monolayer amorphous carbon (MAC), the mechanism of strengthening and toughening and 3D scale-up are studied here and following innovative results are obtained:

  1. A counter intuitive mechanism that surface roughening due to initial defects and low rigidity may help to realize superb mechanical properties in 3D aggregation of monolayer carbon is demonstrated. Two 3D structures with high strength and toughness are designed. Our results pave a new strategy in enhancing toughness in van der Waals heterostructures to effectively avoid catastrophic failure.
  2. The domain J-integral method is proved to be effective and reliable in analyzing the fracture properties of atomic scale discrete systems by verifying the contour and domain J-integral methods.
  3. It is shown that lattice disorder results in nanoscale ripples which can alleviate stress concentration in the vicinity of crack-tips and render MAC flaw tolerant. This nnvel mechanism is proved to be general by introducing nanoscale ripples into graphene sheets. In engineering practice, the routine to make MAC can be well-controlled and is repeatable, and is of particular interest from the manufacture aspect, in contrast to precise defect engineering in graphene. Therefore, our findings should be generally applicable to toughening of many different classes of 2D materials via a practically achievable experimental route.

Similar to the lattice disorder bringing in new phenomena, randomly distributed particles in composites also make great contributions in alter the properyies of the material. It is found that the polymer matrix shows spectral selective absorbency by adding low concentration of microspheres with randomly diatribution. And the effects of microsphere radius, volume fraction and film thickness on radiative cooling efficiency were investigated.

Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
谢文慧. 单原子层非晶碳材料的力学性能与变形机理[D]. 北京. 中国科学院大学,2022.
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