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Hydraulic modeling of soil erorion 会议论文
12th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, ACFM 2008, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of, August 17, 2008 - August 21, 2008
Authors:  Liu QQ(刘青泉)
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Ecological Environments  Hillslopes  Loess Plateau  Overland Flow  Runoff Generation  Sediment Yields  Soil Erosion  Soil-erosion Model  Spatial Heterogeneity  Underlying Surface  
Effects Of Nutrients On Algal Blooming In Eutrophic Water Body 会议论文
12th Asian Congress Of Fluid Mechanics, KAIST, 18-21 August 2008
Authors:  Yuan T;  Zhou JF(周济福);  Li JC(李家春)
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Viscoelastic Effects Of Polymer Solutions On Oil Recovery Enhancement In Chemical Flooding 会议论文
12th Asian Congress Of Fluid Mechanics, KAIST, 18-21 August 2008
Authors:  Zhang Z;  Zhou JF(周济福);  Li JC(李家春)
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