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| 高压捕获翼构型亚跨超流动特性数值研究 期刊论文 力学学报, 2021, 卷号: 53, 期号: 11, 页码: 3056-3070 Authors: 王浩祥; 李广利; 杨靖; 肖尧; 王小永; 徐应洲; 许先贵; 崔凯 Adobe PDF(2607Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:345/94  |  Submit date:2022/03/16 高压捕获翼 计算流体力学 宽速域 流动分离 气动干扰 |
| 空天进入飞行器新概念气动布局研究 学位论文 博士论文,北京: 中国科学院大学, 2021 Authors: 徐应洲 Adobe PDF(11726Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:745/29  |  Submit date:2021/06/04 高压捕获翼 动导数 飞行仿真 稳定性 |
| 高压捕获翼构型跨声速流动特性初步研究 期刊论文 空气动力学学报, 2020, 卷号: 38, 期号: 03, 页码: 441-447 Authors: 王浩祥; 李广利; 徐应洲; 崔凯 View  |  Adobe PDF(3206Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:516/101  |  Submit date:2020/07/15 高压捕获翼 计算流体力学 跨声速流动特性 流动分离 气动干扰 |
| Experimental investigation of a hypersonic I-shaped configuration with a waverider compression surface 期刊论文 SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY, 2020, 卷号: 63, 期号: 5, 页码: 3./通讯作者:Li, GuangLi Authors: Li GL(李广利); Cui K(崔凯); Xu YZ(徐应洲); Wang HX(王浩祥); Yang J(杨靖); Xu XG(许先贵) Adobe PDF(661Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:471/108  |  Submit date:2020/05/18 |
| 升阻比对可重复使用运载器爬升特性影响 期刊论文 中国科学:技术科学, 2019, 期号: 08, 页码: 891-900 Authors: 崔凯; 徐应洲; 李广利; 肖尧; 王浩祥 View  |  Adobe PDF(508Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:509/70  |  Submit date:2019/09/12 可重复使用运载器 水平发射 两级入轨 弹道分析 升阻比 |
| 乘波体压缩面变化对其气动性能影响分析 期刊论文 力学学报, 2017, 卷号: 49, 期号: 01, 页码: 75-83 Authors: 崔凯; 徐应洲; 肖尧; 李广利 View  |  Adobe PDF(5584Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:432/108  |  Submit date:2017/12/22 乘波体 优化设计 增量参数化方法 微分演化算法 计算流体力学 |
| Effects of Shock Impingement on Aerothermal and Aerodynamic Performance for High-pressure Capturing Wings 会议论文 21st AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonics Technologies Conference, Xiamen, China, 6-9 March 2017 Authors: Li GL(李广利); Cui K(崔凯); Xiao Y(肖尧); Xu YZ(徐应洲) View  |  Adobe PDF(664Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:479/112  |  Submit date:2018/01/16 Aerodynamics Angle Of Attack Angle Of Attack Indicators Boundary Layers Drag Drag Coefficient High Pressure Effects Hypersonic Aerodynamics Hypersonic Flow Spacecraft |
| Preliminary Study of Aerodynamic Performance for Waverider-based Hypersonic Vehicles with Dorsal Mounted Engines 会议论文 21st AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonics Technologies Conference, Xiamen, China, 6-9 March 2017 Authors: Xiao Y(肖尧); Cui K(崔凯); Li GL(李广利); Xu YZ(徐应洲) View  |  Adobe PDF(639Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:341/112  |  Submit date:2018/01/16 Aerodynamics Air Engines Aspect Ratio Computational Fluid Dynamics Drag Engines Hypersonic Aerodynamics Lift Lift Drag Ratio Propulsion Spacecraft Vehicles |
| Study on Compression Surface Deformation of Waveriders 会议论文 21st AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonics Technologies Conference, Xiamen, China, 6-9 March 2017 Authors: Xu YZ(徐应洲); Cui K(崔凯); Li GL(李广利); Xiao Y(肖尧) View  |  Adobe PDF(461Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:360/95  |  Submit date:2018/01/16 Aerodynamic Configurations Aerodynamics Computational Fluid Dynamics Deformation Evolutionary Algorithms Fluid Dynamics Hypersonic Aerodynamics Optimization Spacecraft |
| 背部进气高超声速飞行器概念构型研究 会议论文 第九届全国流体力学学术会议, 中国江苏南京, 2016-10-20 Authors: 肖尧; 崔凯; 李广利; 徐应洲 View  |  Adobe PDF(128Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:386/93  |  Submit date:2017/09/27 高超声速 乘波体 背部进气 气动布局 |