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Fractal characterization of ceramic crack patterns after thermal shocks 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY, 2019, 卷号: 102, 期号: 6, 页码: 3641-3652
Authors:  Qi F;  Meng SH;  Song F(宋凡);  Guo H;  Xu XH(许向红);  Shao YF(邵颖峰);  Chen Y
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brittle materials  crack growth  fractal geometry  thermal shock resistance  
On optimal message vector length for block single parallel partition algorithm in a three-dimensional ADI solver 期刊论文
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2009, 卷号: 215, 期号: 7, 页码: 2565-2577
Authors:  Yuan L(袁礼);  Guo H(郭红);  Yin ZH(尹兆华)
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A block SPP algorithm for multidimensional tridiagonal equations with optimal message vector length 期刊论文
Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology, 2009, 卷号: 3, 期号: 3, 页码: 229-245
Authors:  Guo H(郭红);  Yin ZH(尹兆华);  Yuan L(袁礼)
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