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Experimental study of liquid aluminum droplet breakup characteristics based on a Drop-on-demand (DOD) magnetohydrodynamic actuation 期刊论文
ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING, 2024, 卷号: 84, 页码: 13./通讯作者:Sun, Su-Rong, Wang, Hai-Xing
Authors:  Tian SW(田生伟);  Sun, SuRong;  Lin, XiaoChen;  Geng JY(耿金越);  Huang HJ(黄河激);  Wang, HaiXing;  Cao JW(曹进文);  Meng X(孟显);  Yan C(闫聪)
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Droplet break up  Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)  Drop-on-demand (DOD)  Liquid metal 3D printing  Additive manufacturing  
高超声速非平衡流动-辐射特性数值模拟研究 期刊论文
力学学报, 2023, 卷号: 55, 期号: 12, 页码: 2807-2817
Authors:  杜耀文;  孙素蓉;  黄河激;  孟显;  曹进文;  耿金越;  闫聪;  王海兴
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高超声速流动  热化学非平衡  碰撞辐射模型  辐射输运  
基于电磁驱动按需打印的铝液滴生成特性数值模拟研究 会议论文
Authors:  林晓晨;  田生伟;  孙素蓉;  黄河激;  孟显;  曹进文;  耿金越;  闫聪;  王海兴
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高超声速非平衡流动-辐射特性数值模拟研究 会议论文
Authors:  杜耀文;  孙素蓉;  黄河激;  孟显;  曹进文;  耿金越;  闫聪;  陈轩;  王海兴
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Conversion of carbon dioxide in atmospheric pressure dielectric barrier discharges with different electrode configurations 期刊论文
PHYSICA SCRIPTA, 2023, 卷号: 98, 期号: 8, 页码: 85605./通讯作者:Wang, HX (corresponding author), Beihang Univ, Sch Astronaut, Beijing 102206, Peoples R China., Meng, X (corresponding author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China., Wang, HX (corresponding author), Beihang Univ, Ningbo Inst Technol, Ningbo 315800, Peoples R China.
Authors:  Wang C(王超);  Wang, HaiXing;  Liu CY(刘昌裕);  Meng X(孟显);  Jin, GuangYuan;  Huang HJ(黄河激);  Cao JW(曹进文);  Sun, SuRong;  Yan C(闫聪)
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carbon dioxide decomposition  DBD  electrode configuration  
Experimental study of the effect of dielectric materials on the decomposition of carbon dioxide in a dielectric barrier discharge 期刊论文
PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2023, 卷号: 32, 期号: 2, 页码: 25011./通讯作者:Wang, HX (corresponding author), Beihang Univ, Sch Astronaut, Beijing, Peoples R China.
Authors:  Liu, ChangYu;  Wang, HaiXing;  Wang, Chao;  Meng X(孟显);  Huang HJ(黄河激);  Cao JW(曹进文);  Sun, SuRong;  Yan C(闫聪)
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carbon dioxide decomposition  DBD  relative permittivity  
梯度材料的黏附接触封闭解 会议论文
北京力学会第十六届学术年会论文集, 中国北京
Authors:  陈少华;  闫聪
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接触力学  黏附  弹性梯度材料  Jkr模型  拉脱力  
受一类生物黏附启发的接触力学理论模型研究 学位论文
硕士论文,北京: 中国科学院研究生院, 2009
Authors:  闫聪
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On the contact width in generalized plain strain JKR model for isotropic solids 期刊论文
Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2009, 卷号: 25, 期号: 4, 页码: 491-497
Authors:  Yan C(闫聪);  Chen SH(陈少华);  Chen SH
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Contact Mechanics  Generalized Jkr Model  Asymmetric Contact Width  Oscillatory Solution  Non-oscillatory Solution  Slipping Adhesive Contact  Biomimetic Fibrillar Interfaces  Elastic Solids  Surface Energy  Mechanics  Spheres  Design  
Mechanics of adhesive contact on a power-law graded elastic half-space 期刊论文
Journal of The Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2009, 卷号: 57, 期号: 9, 页码: 1437-1448
Authors:  Chen SH(陈少华);  Yan C(闫聪);  Zhang P;  Gao H;  H. Gao
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