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A gel-like condensation of Cidec generates lipid-permeable plates for lipid droplet fusion 期刊论文
DEVELOPMENTAL CELL, 2021, 卷号: 56, 期号: 18, 页码: 2592-+./通讯作者:Chen, Feng-Jung, Li, Peng
Authors:  Lyu, XC;  Wang, J;  Wang, JQ;  Yin, YS;  Zhu, Y;  Li, LL;  Huang, SR;  Peng S(彭爽);  Xue, BX;  Liao, RY;  Wang, SQ;  Long M(龙勉);  Wohland, T;  Chua, BT;  Sun, YJ;  Li, PL;  Chen, XW;  Xu, L;  Chen, FJ;  Li, P
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Numerical investigations of the energy performance and pressure fluctuations for a waterjet pump in a non-uniform inflow 期刊论文
RENEWABLE ENERGY, 2020, 卷号: 153, 页码: 1042-1052./通讯作者:Huang, Renfang
Authors:  Luo XW;  Ye WX;  Huang RF(黄仁芳);  Wang YW(王一伟);  Du TZ(杜特专);  Huang CG(黄晨光)
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Waterjet pump  Energy performance  Pressure fluctuation  Numerical simulation  
Investigations into the unsteady internal flow characteristics for a waterjet propulsion system at different cruising speeds 期刊论文
OCEAN ENGINEERING, 2020, 卷号: 203, 页码: 15./通讯作者:Wang, Yiwei
Authors:  Huang RF(黄仁芳);  Ye WX;  Dai YX;  Luo XW;  Wang YW(王一伟);  Du TZ(杜特专);  Huang CG(黄晨光)
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Waterjet  Waterjet propulsion  Pressure fluctuation  Numerical simulation  
Mechanical Properties and Microstructures of Commercial-Purity Aluminum Processed by Rotational Accelerated Shot Peening Plus Cold Rolling 期刊论文
ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS, 2020, 卷号: 22, 期号: 1, 页码: 8./通讯作者:Liu, Ying
Authors:  Liu YF;  Cao Y;  Zhou H;  Chen XF(陈雪飞);  Liu Y;  Xiao LR;  Huan XW;  Zhao YH;  Zhu YT
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commercial-purity aluminum  gradient structures  mechanical properties  microstructures  plastic deformation  
Research on Telescope TTL Coupling Noise in Intersatellite Laser Interferometry 期刊论文
PHOTONIC SENSORS, 2019, 页码: 10./通讯作者:Wang, Zhi
Authors:  Wang Z;  Yu T;  Zhao Y;  Luo ZR(罗子人);  Sha W;  Fang C;  Wang YK;  Wang SX;  Qi KQ;  Wang YX;  Xu XW
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Intersatellite laser interferometry  telescope  TTL coupling noise  
Multi-objective optimization of the flush-type intake duct for a waterjet propulsion system 期刊论文
OCEAN ENGINEERING, 2019, 卷号: 187, 页码: 14./通讯作者:Luo, Xianwu, Wang, Yiwei
Authors:  Huang RF(黄仁芳);  Dai YX;  Luo XW;  Wang YW(王一伟);  Huang CG(黄晨光)
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Intake duct  Waterjet propulsion  Multi-objective optimization  
Experimental investigation on laser ablation of C/SiC composites subjected to supersonic airflow 期刊论文
OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY, 2019, 卷号: 113, 页码: 399-406./通讯作者:Yuan, W
Authors:  Wang JT(王江涛);  Ma YZ;  Liu YW;  Yuan W(袁武);  Song HW(宋宏伟);  Huang CG(黄晨光);  Yin XW
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Laser ablation  Supersonic airflow  C/SiC composite  Mechanical erosion  
Dislocation Strengthening without Ductility Trade-off in Metastable Austenitic Steels 期刊论文
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2016, 卷号: 6, 页码: 35345
Authors:  Liu JB;  Jin YB;  Fang XY;  Chen CX;  Feng Q;  Liu XW;  Chen YZ;  Suo T;  Zhao F;  Huang TL;  Wang HT;  Wang X;  Fang YT;  Wei YJ(魏宇杰);  Meng L;  Lu J;  Yang W;  Wang, HT (reprint author), Zhejiang Univ, Inst Appl Mech, Hangzhou 310027, Zhejiang, Peoples R China.;  Lu, J (reprint author), City Univ Hong Kong, Dept Mech & Biomed Engn, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Peoples R China.
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Thermodynamic Behaviors of Macroscopic Liquid Droplets Evaporation from Heated Substrates 期刊论文
MICROGRAVITY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2015, 卷号: 27, 期号: 5, 页码: 353-360
Authors:  Chen X;  Zhu ZQ(朱志强);  Liu QS(刘秋生);  Wang XW;  Liu, QS (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, Natl Micrograv Lab, Key Lab Micrograv, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China.
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Sessile Drop Evaporation  Thermocaplliry Convection  Buoyant Convection  Heat And Mass Transfer  
On the compressive failure of tungsten fiber reinforced Zr-based bulk metallic glass composite 期刊论文
Authors:  Chen JH(陈军红);  Chen Y(陈艳);  Jiang MQ(蒋敏强);  Chen XW;  Zhang HF;  Dai LH(戴兰宏);  Dai, LH (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, State Key Lab Nonlinear Mech, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China.
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Metallic Glass  Fiber Reinforced Composite  Failure Mechanism  Shear Banding  Splitting  Critical Dissipation Energy