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Assessment of the Reynolds-stress model-based hybrid RANS/LES method for junction flow around a fully appended underwater vehicle 期刊论文
OCEAN ENGINEERING, 2025, 卷号: 318, 页码: 14./通讯作者:Liu, Yi
Authors:  Wang, Gang;  Liu Y(刘毅);  Wang SZ(王士召);  He GW(何国威)
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Underwater vehicle  Junction flow  Horseshoe vortex  Hybrid RANS/LES method  Reynolds-stress model  
The significant contribution of stochastic forcing to nonlinear energy transfer in resolvent analysis 期刊论文
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 2025, 卷号: 15, 期号: 1, 页码: 100521./通讯作者:Wu, Ting ([email protected])
Authors:  Wang YH(王友华);  Wu T(吴霆);  He GW(何国威)
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A wall model for separated flows: embedded learning to improve a posteriori performance 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS, 2024, 卷号: 1002, 页码: 42./通讯作者:Yang, Xiaolei
Authors:  Zhou ZD(周志登);  Zhang XL(张鑫磊);  He GW(何国威);  Yang XL(杨晓雷)
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turbulence modelling  machine learning  boundary layer separation  
Large-eddy simulation-based shape optimization for mitigating turbulent wakes of a bluff body using the regularized ensemble Kalman method 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS, 2024, 卷号: 1001, 页码: 30./通讯作者:He, Guowei
Authors:  Zhang XL(张鑫磊);  Zhang FS(张风顺);  Li ZB(李曌斌);  Yang XL(杨晓雷);  He GW(何国威)
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turbulence control  wakes  chaos  
Bio-inspired profile improving the flow near the stern of an underwater vehicle 期刊论文
OCEAN ENGINEERING, 2024, 卷号: 314, 页码: 119693./通讯作者:Wang SZ
Authors:  Xie ZY(谢卓雨);  Liu Y(刘毅);  Wang SZ(王士召);  He GW(何国威)
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Bio-inspired profile  Sperm whale  Wake flow  Twin propellers propulsion  
An Explicit Algebraic Stress-Based Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation Model for Turbulent Flows 期刊论文
AIAA JOURNAL, 2024, 页码: 12./通讯作者:Yin, Zifei
Authors:  Liu HC(刘昊辰);  Zhang XL(张鑫磊);  Yin,Zifei;  He GW(何国威)
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Computational Fluid Dynamics  Detached Eddy Simulation  Algebraic Reynolds Stress Model  Turbulence Models  Separated Flows  Turbulent Boundary Layer  
Optimal sensor placement for ensemble-based data assimilation using gradient-weighted class activation mapping 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS, 2024, 卷号: 514, 页码: 20./通讯作者:Wang, Shizhao, Zhang, Xin-Lei
Authors:  Xu ZY(许昭越);  Wang SZ(王士召);  Zhang XL(张鑫磊);  He GW(何国威)
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Optimal sensor placement  GradCAM  CNN  Ensemble Kalman method  
A data-driven distributed force model for wall-modeled large-eddy simulations of rough-wall turbulence 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS, 2024, 卷号: 514, 页码: 20./通讯作者:Yang, Xiaolei
Authors:  Zhou ZD(周志登);  Li SL(李世隆);  He GW(何国威);  Yang XL(杨晓雷)
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Distributed force model  Equivalent sandgrain roughness height  Deep neural network  Rough-wall turbulence  Large-eddy simulation  
Assessing boundary conditions in CFD for transvalvular pressure gradient calculation in cardiac hemodynamics 期刊论文
EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, 2024, 卷号: 45, 页码: ehae6663796
Authors:  Wu F(吴凡);  Feng SY(冯舒毅);  Wang HP(王洪平);  He XY(何心怡);  Wang SZ(王士召);  He GW(何国威);  Pan XB(潘湘斌)
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Identification of left ventricular flow features in healthy and pathological conditions 期刊论文
EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, 2024, 卷号: 45, 页码: ehae6663795
Authors:  Wang HP(王洪平);  Feng, S.;  He XY(何心怡);  Wang SZ(王士召);  Pan, X.;  He GW(何国威)
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