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Modeling of projectile penetrating fiber-reinforced concrete via the continuum discontinuum element method 期刊论文
ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS, 2022, 卷号: 276, 页码: 17./通讯作者:Han, Fei, Mei, Yong
Authors:  Sun, Bowen;  Han, Fei;  Feng C(冯春);  Mei, Yong;  Sun, Yunhou;  Shen, Jun;  Zhang, Ao
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CDEM  Fiber-reinforced concrete  Penetration  Crack width  Weibull distribution  
Hole Morphology and Keyhole Evolution during Single Pulse Laser Drilling on Polyether-Ether-Ketone (PEEK) 期刊论文
MATERIALS, 2022, 卷号: 15, 期号: 7, 页码: 20./通讯作者:Li, Shaoxia, He, Xiuli
Authors:  Zhang YM(张艳梅);  Yu G(虞钢);  Tian CX(田崇鑫);  Li ZY(李志永);  Shao JY(邵佳昀);  Li SX(李少霞);  He XL(何秀丽)
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laser drilling  polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK)  hole morphology  keyhole evolution  material-removal mechanism