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Rapid transport of deformation-tuned nanoparticles across biological hydrogels and cellular barriers 期刊论文
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 2018, 卷号: 9, 页码: 2607
Authors:  Yu MR;  Xu L;  Tian FL;  Su Q;  Zheng N;  Yang YW;  Wang JL(王九令);  Wang AH;  Zhu CL;  Guo SY;  Zhang XX;  Gan Y;  Shi XH(施兴华);  Gao HJ
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Study on the deformations of the lamina cribrosa during glaucoma 期刊论文
ACTA BIOMATERIALIA, 2017, 卷号: 55, 页码: 340-348
Authors:  Tian HJ(田晗菁);  Li L(李龙);  Song F(宋凡);  Song, F (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, State Key Lab Nonlinear Mech LNM, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China.
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Lamina Cribrosa  Glaucoma  Deformation  Optic Nerve Injury  Reissner's Thin Plate Theory  
Depth-dependent mechanical characteristics of porcine cornea 期刊论文
SOFT MATERIALS, 2017, 卷号: 15, 期号: 1, 页码: 27-33
Authors:  Du RQ(杜睿琪);  Tian HJ(田晗菁);  Xu XH(许向红);  Shao YF(邵颖峰);  Song F(宋凡);  Song, F (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, State Key Lab Nonlinear Mech LNM, Beisihuanxi Rd 15, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China.;  Song, F (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, Beijing Key Lab Engn Construct & Mechanobiol, Beisihuanxi Rd 15, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China.
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Anisotropy  Corneal Stroma  Linear Gradient  Mechanical Properties  Uniaxial Tension Experiment  
A modified relation between the intraocular and intracranial pressures 期刊论文
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 2016, 卷号: 6, 期号: 3, 页码: 148-150
Authors:  Tian HJ(田晗菁);  Du RQ(杜睿其);  Song F(宋凡)
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Intraocular Pressure  Intracranial Pressure  Lamina Cribrosa  Glaucoma  
眼内压作用下筛板受力、变形及其损伤的研究 学位论文
博士论文,北京: 中国科学院大学, 2016
Authors:  田晗菁
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角膜基质随深度变化的生物力学性质研究 会议论文
中国力学大会-2015, 中国上海, 2015-08-16
Authors:  杜睿琪;  田晗菁;  韦佳辰;  宋凡
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力学性质  角膜基质  单轴拉伸  上中  深度变化  
眼压作用下筛板的力学行为分析 会议论文
中国力学大会-2015, 中国上海, 2015-08-16
Authors:  田晗菁;  杜睿琪;  宋凡
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剪切变形  剪切刚度  行为分析  弯曲刚度  Reissner  应力分布  边界条件  实验数据  
Dimension limit for thermal shock failure 期刊论文
Philosophical Magazine, 2014, 卷号: 94, 期号: 23, 页码: 2647-2655
Authors:  Shao YF(邵颖峰);  Liu QN;  Tian HJ;  Lin ZK;  Xu XH;  Song F(宋凡);  Song, F (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, State Key Lab Nonlinear Mech LNM, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China.
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Thermomechanical  Ceramics  Fracture  Thermal Shock