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Shock-induced instability of dual-layer dilute gas-particle mixture 期刊论文
PHYSICAL REVIEW FLUIDS, 2024, 卷号: 9, 期号: 12, 页码: 20./通讯作者:Yang, Yue
Authors:  He, Yifeng;  Meng BQ(孟宝清);  Tian, Baolin;  Yang, Yue
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双层稀疏气体颗粒受激波诱导的界面不稳定性 会议论文
第十三届全国流体力学学术会议(上), 中国黑龙江哈尔滨, 2024-08-09
Authors:  贺一峰;  孟宝清;  田保林;  杨越
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气体颗粒两相流  激波  Richtmyer-Meshkov不稳定性  扰动界面  
维持近壁湍流的必要尺度和运动 会议论文
第十三届全国流体力学学术会议(下), 中国黑龙江哈尔滨, 2024-08-09
Authors:  李千千;  邓冰清;  杨子轩
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壁湍流  相干结构  直接数值模拟  
Influence of Langmuir circulations on turbulence in the bottom boundary layer of shallow water 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS, 2019, 卷号: 861, 页码: 275-308./通讯作者:Shen, L
Authors:  Deng BQ;  Yang ZX(杨子轩);  Xuan AQ;  Shen L
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turbulence simulation  turbulent boundary layers  wave-turbulence interactions  
Effect of laser remelting on microstructure and properties of WC reinforced Fe-based amorphous composite coatings by laser cladding 期刊论文
OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY, 2018, 卷号: 103, 页码: 8-16
Authors:  Zhou SF;  Xu YB;  Liao BQ;  Sun YJ;  Dai XQ;  Yang JX;  Li ZY(李正阳)
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Amorphous composite  Laser cladding  Microstructure  Laser remelting  Corrosion  
Research on fracture behavior of a Cr coating/original steel substrate material under thermal fatigue loading 会议论文
2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Civil Engineering, ICMEMSCE 2013, Beijing, China, OCT 25-26, 2013
Authors:  Yang BQ(杨班权);  Chen GN(陈光南);  Du J;  Chen XJ(陈学军);  Sun WH;  Chen HQ;  Pan JW;  Chen Y;  Yang BQ(杨班权)
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Research on interfacial cracking of a Cr coating/steel substrate with and without laser pre-quenching treatment under thermal fatigue loading 会议论文
3rd International Conference on Digital Manufacturing and Automation, ICDMA 2012, Guangxi, China, AUG 01-02, 2012
Authors:  Yang BQ(杨班权);  Chen GN(陈光南);  Chen XJ(陈学军);  Sun WH;  Chen HQ;  Pan JW;  Chen Y;  Yang BQ(杨班权)
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Chromate Coatings  Chromium  Manufacture  Quenching  Substrates  Thermal Fatigue  Interfacial Adhesions  Interfacial Cracking  Loading Condition  Steel Substrate  Substrate Surface  
Uniaxial tensile and cross-sectional indentation tests to investigate the adhesion between the brittle Cr coating and the ductile steel substrate 会议论文
2011 1st International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, ICME 2011, Phuket, Thailand, APR 03-04, 2011
Authors:  Yang BQ(杨班权);  Chen GN(陈光南);  Chen XJ(陈学军);  Yang BQ(杨班权)
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Adhesion  Carbon Steel  Mechanical Engineering  Shear Flow  Shear Strength  Substrates  Tensile Strength  Tensile Testing  Testing  Coating-substrate Systems  Cr Coating  Cross-sectional Indentations  Crucial Parameters  Ductile Steel Substrate  Flow Stress  Interfacial Decohesion  Lower Bounds  Maximum Shears  Normal Medium Carbon Steel  Ultimate Shear Strength  Uniaxial Tensile Test  
Research on the micro-crack density of a chromium coating/steel substrate with and without laser pre-quenching treatment 会议论文
2011 1st International Conference on High Performance Structures and Materials Engineering, ICHPSM 2011, Beijing, China, MAY 05-06, 2011
Authors:  Yang BQ(杨班权);  Chen GN(陈光南);  Chen XJ(陈学军);  Yang BQ(杨班权)
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Chromate Coatings  Chromium  Cracks  Density (Specific Gravity)  Mechanical Properties  Quenching  Chromium Coatings  Crack Density  Material Systems  Micro-crack Density  Quenched Steel  Quenched Substrates  Quenching Treatment  Steel Substrate  Substrate Surface  Work Pieces  
A Mechanical Model For The Quantification Of The Effect Of Laser Quenching On Ctod In Steels 期刊论文
Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2009, 卷号: 209, 期号: 4, 页码: 2180-2185
Authors:  Yang BQ(杨班权);  Chen GN(陈光南);  Zhang K(张坤);  Luo GX(罗耕星);  Xiao JH(肖京华);  Yang BQ
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Laser Quenching  Crack Tip Opening Displacement (Ctod)  Residual Stress Gradient Effect  Micro-hardness  Steels  Crack Driving-force  Conical Indentation  Plastic Solids  Surface