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Mechanical anisotropy in additively manufactured laminated high-entropy alloys: The role of interface geometry 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2025, 卷号: 210, 页码: 72-85./通讯作者:zhang k, wei bc
Authors:  Bai YJ(白云建);  Yang C(杨成);  Liu ZS(刘子尚);  Jiang QY(姜泉宇);  Wang YJ(王云江);  Zhang K(张坤);  Liu YZ(刘一哲);  Li YD(李亚东);  Wei BC(魏炳忱)
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Laminated HEAs  Additive manufacturing  Anisotropy  Interface orientation  
高加速加载轮胎损伤确定方法及相关装置 专利
发明授权.高加速加载轮胎损伤确定方法及相关装置, 授权公告号: CN114136665B, 申请日期: 2021-11-30, 授权公告日期: 2023-02-28
Inventors:  张坤;  魏炳忱;  郇勇;  刘子尚;  邵颖峰;  蓝鼎;  冯义辉;  马寒松;  杨荣
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Hard nanocrystalline gold materials prepared via high-pressure phase transformation 期刊论文
NANO RESEARCH, 2022, 页码: 8./通讯作者:Zhang, Hua, Zhao, Zhisheng, Tian, Yongjun
Authors:  Xie CL;  Niu WX;  Li PH;  Ge YY;  Liu JW;  Fan ZX;  Liu XX;  Chen Y;  Zhou M;  Li ZH;  Ma MD;  Yue YH;  Wang J(王晶);  Zhu L;  Luo K;  Zhang Y;  Wu YJ;  Wang L;  Xu B;  Zhang H;  Zhao ZS;  Tian YJ
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nanocrystalline Au  high hardness  high strength  high-pressure forging  4H Au nanoribbons  
Impact and usage of the shear thickening fluid (STF) material in damping vibration of bolted flange joints 期刊论文
SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, 2019, 卷号: 28, 期号: 9, 页码: 10./通讯作者:Wei, YP
Authors:  Guo YC(郭雅悰);  Wei YP(魏延鹏);  Zou JL(邹金龙);  Huang CG(黄晨光);  Wu XQ(吴先前);  Liu ZS(刘子尚);  Yang Z(杨哲)
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shear thickening fluid  bolted flange joints  energy dissipation  vibration suppression  
A constitutive model coupling irradiation with two-phase lithiation for lithium-ion battery electrodes 期刊论文
PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE, 2019, 卷号: 99, 期号: 8, 页码: 992-1013
Authors:  Wu H;  Xie ZC;  Wang Y;  Zhang PP;  Sun LZ;  Lu CS;  Ma ZS
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Lithium-ion batteries  two-phase lithiation  irradiation  dislocation  
Modeling diffusion-induced stress on two-phase lithiation in lithium-ion batteries 期刊论文
Authors:  Wu H;  Xie ZC;  Wang Y;  Lu CS;  Ma ZS
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Lithium-ion Battery  Two-phase Lithiation  Fracture  Critical Size  
Numerical simulation of a bubble rising in shear-thinning fluids 期刊论文
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 2010, 卷号: 165, 期号: 11-12, 页码: 555-567
Authors:  Zhang L(张丽);  Yang C;  Mao ZS
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The unstability and liquefaction with one dimension finite of soil 会议论文
3rd International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics, SHANGHAI, PEOPLES R CHINA, AUG 17-20, 1998
Authors:  Li XB;  Yang ZS;  Li, XB (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, Beijing 100080, Peoples R China.
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Numerical simulation of a landslide by blasting 会议论文
2nd International Conference on Engineering Blasting Technique, KUNMING, PEOPLES R CHINA, NOV 07-10, 1995
Authors:  Ren JS(任京生);  Yang ZS;  Yan L(燕琳)
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Shock effect on pile by underwater explosion 会议论文
2nd International Conference on Engineering Blasting Technique, KUNMING, PEOPLES R CHINA, NOV 07-10, 1995
Authors:  Yan L(燕琳);  Yang ZS
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