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Direct observation of adsorption sites of protein impurities and their effects on step advancement of protein crystals 期刊论文
Crystal Growth & Design, 2009, 卷号: 9, 期号: 7, 页码: 3062-3071
Authors:  Van Driessehe Alexander ES;  Sazaki G;  Dai GL(戴国亮);  Otalora F;  Gavira Ja;  Matsui T;  Yoshizaki I;  Tsukamoto K;  Nakajima K
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Polypeptides  Dimers  Covalent Bonds  Fluorescent Material  Crystal Faces  Growth Mechanism  Interference Microscopy  Confocal Microscopy  Lysozyme  Tetragonal Crystals  Impurity Effect  Macromolecules  Proteins  Adsorption Site