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Discontinuous phase diagram of amorphous carbons 期刊论文
NATIONAL SCIENCE REVIEW, 2024, 卷号: 11, 期号: 4, 页码: 8
Authors:  Zhu, Yinbo;  Fang, Zhouyu;  Zhang, Zhongting;  Wu HA(吴恒安)
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amorphous carbons  disordered carbons  phase diagram  microstructural topology  phase transition  
Temperature-Dependent Paracrystalline Nucleation in Atomically Disordered Diamonds 期刊论文
NANO LETTERS, 2023, 卷号: 24, 期号: 1, 页码: 312-318./通讯作者:Zhu, Yinbo
Authors:  Zhang, Zhongting;  Fang, Zhouyu;  Wu HA(吴恒安);  Zhu, Yinbo
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paracrystalline diamonds  atomically disordered diamonds  amorphous carbons  free energy surface