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Size effect on the thermal and mechanical performance of cylindrical lithium-ion batteries 期刊论文
APPLIED ENERGY, 2024, 卷号: 375, 页码: 12./通讯作者:Chen, Chunguang, Wei, Yujie
Authors:  Liu J(刘锦);  Chen CG(陈春光);  Wen JC(温济慈);  Chang ZH(常正华);  Notten, Peter HL;  Wei YJ(魏宇杰)
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Cylindrical lithium-ion battery  Thermal-mechanical performance  Energy density  Size effect  Optimal design  
Electrochemical-mechanical coupled lithium growth in fiber-structured electrodes 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE, 2024, 卷号: 99, 页码: 13./通讯作者:Wen, Jici, Wei, Yujie
Authors:  Zhang ZH(张泽卉);  Wen JC(温济慈);  Wei YJ(魏宇杰)
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Electrochemical-mechanical coupling  Lithium growth  Finite-element method  Electroplating stress  Fiber-structured electrode  
Linear correlation between state-of-health and incremental state-of-charge in Li-ion batteries and its application to SoH evaluation 期刊论文
ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 2022, 卷号: 434, 页码: 10./通讯作者:Chen, Chunguang, Wei, Yujie
Authors:  Wen JC(温济慈);  Zou,Qingrong;  Chen CG(陈春光);  Wei YJ(魏宇杰)
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State -of -health evaluation  State -of -charge  Lithium -ion battery  Incremental capacity curve  Sliding voltage window  
The scaling of charging rate and cycle number of commercial batteries 期刊论文
ACTA MECHANICA SINICA, 2022, 卷号: 38, 期号: 5, 页码: 10./通讯作者:Wei, Yujie
Authors:  Wen JC(温济慈);  Zou, Qingrong;  Zhang ZH(张泽卉);  Shi, Jian;  Wei YJ(魏宇杰)
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Cycle-life law  c-N fatigue  Charging rate  Lithium-ion battery  Electro-chemo-mechanical coupling