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Hydrodynamic interactions between waves and cylinder arrays of relative motions composed of truncated floating cylinders with five degrees of freedom 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF FLUIDS AND STRUCTURES, 2022, 卷号: 115, 页码: 29./通讯作者:Yu, Fajun
Authors:  Zeng XH(曾晓辉);  Wang, Qi;  Kang YS(康元顺);  Shi, Min;  Yu, Fajun
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Wave -structure interaction  Relative motion  Semi -analytical method  Radiation-diffraction  Wave energy converter array  
Hydrodynamic interactions among wave energy converter array and a hierarchical genetic algorithm for layout optimization 期刊论文
OCEAN ENGINEERING, 2022, 卷号: 256, 页码: 16./通讯作者:Yu, Fajun
Authors:  Zeng XH(曾晓辉);  Wang Q(王琪);  Kang YS(康元顺);  Yu FJ(于法军)
Adobe PDF(5477Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:272/64  |  Submit date:2022/07/18
Wave-structure interaction  Relative motion  Semi-analytical method  Radiation -diffraction  Wave energy converter array  
A Novel Type of Wave Energy Converter with Five Degrees of Freedom and Preliminary Investigations on Power-Generating Capacity 期刊论文
ENERGIES, 2022, 卷号: 15, 期号: 9, 页码: 20./通讯作者:Yu, Fajun
Authors:  Zeng XH(曾晓辉);  Wang Q(王琪);  Kang YS(康元顺);  Yu FJ(于法军)
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wave energy converter  five degrees of freedom  array  semi-analytical method  
Effects of Running Speed on Coupling between Pantograph of High-Speed Train and Tunnel Based on Aerodynamics and Multi-Body Dynamics Coupling 期刊论文
APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 2021, 卷号: 11, 期号: 21, 页码: 16./通讯作者:Guo, Yi
Authors:  Ji ZL(纪占玲);  Guo Y(郭易);  Guo DL(郭迪龙);  Yang GW(杨国伟);  Liu YB(刘玉标)
Adobe PDF(48308Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:321/74  |  Submit date:2022/01/12
coupling effect between pantograph and tunnel  high-speed pantograph  high-speed train  running speed  coupled aerodynamics and multi-body dynamics  passing through a tunnel  
Nonlinear dynamic responses of high-speed railway vehicles under combined self-excitation and forced excitation considering the influence of unsteady aerodynamic loads 期刊论文
NONLINEAR DYNAMICS, 2021, 卷号: 105, 页码: 36./通讯作者:Wu, Han
Authors:  Zeng XH(曾晓辉);  Shi HM(史禾慕);  Wu H(吴晗)
Adobe PDF(5210Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:689/375  |  Submit date:2021/09/08
High-speed railway vehicle  Unsteady aerodynamic loads  Self-excited vibration  Forced vibration  Quasi-periodic motion  
Fluctuation of magnitude of wave loads for a long array of bottom-mounted cylinders 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS, 2019, 卷号: 868, 页码: 244-285./通讯作者:Zeng, Xiaohui
Authors:  Zeng XH(曾晓辉);  Yu FJ(于法军);  Shi M(史民);  Wang Q(王琪)
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surface gravity waves  wave scattering  wave-structure interactions