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Analysis of the Transonic Buffet Characteristics of Stationary and Pitching OAT15A Airfoil 期刊论文
APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 2024, 卷号: 14, 期号: 16, 页码: 18./通讯作者:Nie, Xueyuan, Zheng, Guannan
作者:  Nie XY(聂雪媛);  Zheng GN(郑冠男);  Wei LY(韦莲旖);  Huang CD(黄程德);  Yang GW(杨国伟);  Ji ZL(纪占玲)
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transonic  buffet  shock wave  DMD modes  airfoil  
Engineering perspective on bird flight: Scaling, geometry, kinematics and aerodynamics 期刊论文
PROGRESS IN AEROSPACE SCIENCES, 2023, 卷号: 142, 页码: 47./通讯作者:Liu, Tianshu
作者:  Liu, Tianshu;  Wang SZ(王士召);  Liu, Hao;  He GW(何国威)
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Bird  Flight  Scaling  Flapping wing  Airfoil  Wing geometry  Wing kinematics  Aerodynamics  Vortex  Lift  Drag  Thrust  Thin-airfoil theory  Lifting-line theory  Wake models  Kutta-Joukowski theorem  Actuator disk model  Vortex ring model  CFD  Multiple joint arm system  
Investigation on rod-airfoil noise with high-order cell-centered finite difference method and acoustic analogy 期刊论文
AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2020, 卷号: 102, 页码: 22./通讯作者:Liao, Fei
作者:  Jin Y;  Liao F(廖飞);  Cai JS;  Morris PJ
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Aeroacoustics  Rod-airfoil configuration  Cell-centered finite difference method  Delayed detached eddy simulation  FW-H acoustic analogy  
Experimental and numerical investigation of the influence of roughness and turbulence on LUT airfoil performance 期刊论文
ACTA MECHANICA SINICA, 2019, 卷号: 35, 期号: 6, 页码: 1178-1190./通讯作者:Li, DS (reprint author)
作者:  Li ST Li Y;  Yang CX;  Zheng XB;  Wang Q;  Wang Y;  Li DS;  Hu WR(胡文瑞)
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Airfoil  Dynamic load  Roughness  Vertical-axis wind turbines (VAWTs)  Wind tunnel experiment  
An experimental study of the effects of pitch-pivot-point location on the propulsion performance of a pitching airfoil 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF FLUIDS AND STRUCTURES, 2016, 卷号: 60, 页码: 130-142
作者:  Tian W;  Bodling A;  Liu H;  Wu JC;  He GW(何国威);  Hu H;  Hu, H (reprint author), Iowa State Univ, Dept Aerosp Engn, Ames, IA 50010 USA.
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Micro-air-vehicles (Mavs)  Unsteady Aerodynamics  Pitching Airfoil  Pitch-pivot-point Location  Piv  
Numerical investigation of dynamic stall of an oscillating aerofoil 期刊论文
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 1994, 卷号: 19, 期号: 8, 页码: 723-734
作者:  Guo WH;  Fu DX(傅德薰);  Ma YW(马延文);  GUO, WH (reprint author), CHINESE ACAD SCI,INST MECH,BEIJING 100080,PEOPLES R CHINA.
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Dynamic Stall  Unsteady Flow  Vortex  Compressible Flow  Matrix-splitting Scheme  N-s Equations  Pitching Airfoil  Flow