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Multi-objective optimization for high-performance Fe-based metallic glasses via machine learning approach 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 2023, 卷号: 960, 页码: 170793./通讯作者:Sha, ZD (corresponding author), Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, Sch Aerosp Engn, State Key Lab Strength & Vibrat Mech Struct, Xian 710049, Peoples R China., Poh, LH (corresponding author), Natl Univ Singapore, Dept Civil & Environm Engn, 1 Engn Dr 2,E1A-07-03, Singapore 117576, Singapore.
作者:  Zhang, Yuxing;  Xie, Shejuan;  Guo, Wei;  Ding, Jun;  Poh, Leong Hien;  Sha ZD(沙振东)
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Fe-based metallic glass  Machine learning  Critical casting size  Saturation magnetization  Plasticity  
Effect of laser shock peening on the surface morphology of metallic glasses 会议论文
17th IUMRS International Conference in Asia, IUMRS-ICA 2016, Qingdao, China, October 20, 2016 - October 24, 2016
作者:  Li YS;  Zhang K(张坤);  Duan GH(段桂花);  Xu GY(徐光跃);  Wei YH;  Wei YP(魏延鹏);  Wei BC(魏炳忱)
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Glass  Metals  Morphology  Surface morphology  Amorphous systems  Crystalline degree  Effective approaches  Laser shock peening  Localized structures  Morphology evolution  Shaped structures  Zr  based metallic glass  
Damage characteristics of Zr-based metallic glasses under helium ions irradiation 会议论文
Chinese Materials Conference on Special and High Performance Structural Materials, CMC 2015, Guiyang, China, July 10, 2015 - July 14, 2015
作者:  Li FJ;  Xing JS;  Zhao ZQ;  Wei BC(魏炳忱);  Wei, Bingchen ([email protected])
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Damage Characteristics  Disordered Structures  Irradiation Resistance  Partial Crystallization  Structural Stabilities  Structures And Properties  Volume Concentration  Zr  Based Metallic Glass  
Temperature dependent dynamics transition of intermittent plastic flow in a metallic glass. II. Dynamics analysis 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 2013, 卷号: 114, 期号: 3, 页码: 033521-8
作者:  Liu ZY;  Wang G;  Chan KC;  Ren JL;  Huang YJ;  Bian XL;  Xu XH(许向红);  Zhang DS;  Gao YL;  Zhai QJ;  Wang, G (reprint author), Shanghai Univ, Lab Microstruct, Shanghai 200444, Peoples R China.
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Metallic Glass  Transition Temperature  Mechanical Behaviour  Zr-based Metallic Glass  Mechanisms  
Temperature dependent dynamics transition of intermittent plastic flow in a metallic glass. I. Experimental investigations 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 2013, 卷号: 114, 期号: 3, 页码: 033520-8
作者:  Liu, Z. Y.;  Wang, G.;  Chan, K. C.;  Ren, J. L.;  Huang, Y. J.;  Bian, X. L.;  Xu, X. H.;  Zhang, D. S.;  Gao, Y. L.;  Zhai, Q. J.;  Wang, G (reprint author), Shanghai Univ, Lab Microstruct, Shanghai 200444, Peoples R China.
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Metallic Glass  Transition Temperature  Mechanical Behaviour  Zr-based Metallic Glass  Experiments  
Temperature-induced ductile-to-brittle transition of bulk metallic glasses 期刊论文
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 2013, 卷号: 102, 期号: 17, 页码: 171901/1-171901/4
作者:  Li G;  Jiang MQ(蒋敏强);  Jiang F;  He L;  Sun J;  Jiang, F (reprint author), Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, State Key Lab Mech Behav Mat, Xian 710049, Peoples R China.
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Brittle Fracture  Ductile Fracture  Tensile Strength  Bulk Metallic Glass  Critical Shear Strengths  Cryogenic Temperatures  Ductile-to-brittle Transition  Macroscopic Fractures  Temperature-induced  Uniaxial Compressive Tests  Zr Based Bulk Metallic Glass  
Failure mode transition of Zr-based bulk metallic glass 会议论文
13th International Conference on Fracture 2013, ICF 2013, Beijing, China, June 16, 2013 - June 21, 2013
作者:  Ceng F(曾繁);  Dai LH(戴兰宏)
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Beryllium alloys  Compression testing  Copper alloys  Energy dissipation  Failure modes  Fracture  Glass  Glass transition  Shear bands  Strain rate  Titanium alloys  Zirconium alloys  Bulk metallic glass  Failure mode transition  Impulsive loading  Multiple shear bands  Shear localizations  Theoretical modeling  Uni  axial compression  Zr based bulk metallic glass