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Crystal Plasticity-Based Spalling Damage Model for Ductile Metals 期刊论文
ACTA MECHANICA SOLIDA SINICA, 2023, 卷号: 36, 期号: 1, 页码: 76-85./通讯作者:Wang, Hai-Ying
Authors:  Li C(李琛);  Wang HY(汪海英);  Dai LH(戴兰宏)
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Spalling  Crystal plasticity  Microvoid nucleation and growth  Grain boundary  Finite element method  
Induced stress interaction during multi-stage hydraulic fracturing from horizontal wells using boundary element method 会议论文
4th ISRM Young Scholars Symposium on Rock Mechanics, YSS 2017, Jeju, Korea, Republic of, May 10, 2017 - May 13, 2017
Authors:  Shi X;  Yang L(杨柳);  Li ML;  Cheng YF
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Boundary element method  Complex networks  Fracture  Hydraulic fracturing  Rock mechanics  Sailing vessels  Stress analysis  Fracture network  Gas productivity  Horizontal stress  Inclination angles  Multiple fracture  Sequential manners  Stress condition  Unconventional reservoirs  
Wave pressure acting on V-shaped floating breakwater in random seas 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF OCEAN UNIVERSITY OF CHINA, 2015, 卷号: 14, 期号: 6, 页码: 975-981
Authors:  Yu Y;  Ding N;  Lin J;  Hou JJ;  Ding, N (reprint author), Tianjin Univ, State Key Lab Hydraul Engn Simulat & Safety, Tianjin 300072, Peoples R China.
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Random Seas  V-shaped Floating Breakwater  Wave Pressure  Boundary Element Method  Spectrum Analysis  
Overall mechanical behavior of nanocrystalline materials accompanied by damage evolution on grain boundaries 期刊论文
Authors:  Chen L(陈力);  Wei YG(魏悦广);  Chen, L (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, State Key Lab Nonlinear Mech, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China.
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Grain Boundary  Damage Evolution  Fracture  Nanocrystalline Metals  Mixed-mode Cohesive Model  Finite Element Method  
An immersed boundary method based on the lattice Boltzmann approach in three dimensions, with application 会议论文
6th International Conference for Mesoscopic Methods in Engineering Science (ICMMES-09), Guangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA, JUL 13-17, 2009
Authors:  Zhu LD;  He GW(何国威);  Wang SZ(王士召);  Miller L;  Zhang X(张星);  You Q;  Fang SF;  Zhu, LD (reprint author), Indiana Univ Purdue Univ, Dept Math Sci, Indianapolis, IN 46202 USA
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Immersed Boundary Method  Lattice Boltzmann Method  Fluid-structure Interaction  Deformable Body  Drag Scaling  Computational Fluid Dynamics  Incompressible Viscous Flow  Fluid-structure Interactions  Incompressible Viscous-flow  Finite-element-method  Level-set Method  Elastic Boundaries  Moving-boundaries  Simulating Fluid  Interface Method  Nonideal Gases  Flexible Fiber  
An immersed boundary method based on the lattice Boltzmann approach in three dimensions, with application 期刊论文
Computers & Mathematics With Applications, 2011, 卷号: 61, 期号: 12, 页码: 3506-3518
Authors:  Zhu LD;  He GW(何国威);  Wang SZ(王士召);  Miller L;  Zhang X(张星);  You Q;  Fang SF;  Zhu, LD (reprint author), Indiana Univ Purdue Univ, Dept Math Sci, Indianapolis, IN 46202 USA
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Immersed Boundary Method  Lattice Boltzmann Method  Fluid-structure Interaction  Deformable Body  Drag Scaling  Computational Fluid Dynamics  Incompressible Viscous Flow  Fluid-structure Interactions  Incompressible Viscous-flow  Finite-element-method  Level-set Method  Elastic Boundaries  Moving-boundaries  Simulating Fluid  Interface Method  Nonideal Gases  Flexible Fiber  
Computation of stress intensity factors by the sub-region mixed finite element method of lines 期刊论文
Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2007, 卷号: 20, 期号: 2, 页码: 149-162
Authors:  Yuan S(袁驷);  Xu YJ(徐永君);  Williams FW;  Yuan, S (reprint author), Tsing Hua Univ, Dept Civil Engn, Beijing 100084, Peoples R China.
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Stress Intensity Factors  Finite Element Method Of Lines  Sub-region Generalized Variational Principle  Ordinary Differential Equation Solver  Complete Eigen-solutions  Boundary-value Odes  V-notched Plates  Collocation Software  Multi-materials  
Stress intensity factors calculation in anti-plane fracture problem by orthogonal integral extraction method based on femol 期刊论文
Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2007, 卷号: 20, 期号: 1, 页码: 87-94
Authors:  Xu YJ(徐永君);  Yuan S(袁驷);  Xu, YJ (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, Beijing 100080, Peoples R China.
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Anti-plane Problem  Hilbert Space  Eigenvalue  Eigenfunction  Orthogonal Relationship  Stress Intensity Factor  Finite Element Method Of Lines  Complete Eigen-solutions  Boundary-value Odes  Collocation Software  Multi-materials  Computation  Notches  
Three-dimensional crack problem analysis using boundary element method with finite-part integrals 期刊论文
International Journal of Fracture, 1997, 卷号: 84, 期号: 2, 页码: 191-202
Authors:  Qin TY;  Chen WJ(陈卫江);  Tang RJ;  Qin, TY (reprint author), CHINA AGR UNIV,DEPT ENGN BASIC SCI,BEIJING 100083,PEOPLES R CHINA.
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Planar Crack  Boundary Element Method  Finite-part Integral  Hypersingular Integral Equation  Three-dimensional Finite Body  Square Root Model  Equations