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Surface Residual Stress and Friction Wear Behavior of Vermicular Graphite Cast Iron after Laser Remelting 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE, 2024, 页码: 13./通讯作者:Li, Zhengyang, Lei, Jianbo
Authors:  Song, Jiaxing;  Zheng, Buyun;  Tang, Yisen;  Li ZY(李正阳);  Lei, Jianbo
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laser remelting  laser technology  vermicular graphite cast iron  
Experimental and numerical study of crack damage under variable amplitude thermal fatigue for compacted graphite iron EN-GJV-450 期刊论文
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE, 2018, 卷号: 113, 页码: 184-192
Authors:  Pan SN(潘斯宁);  Yu G(虞钢);  Li SX(李少霞);  He XL(何秀丽);  Chen R(陈茹)
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Crack damage  Variable amplitude thermal fatigue  Surface wedging process  Cast iron  Combustion chamber  
Application of millisecond pulsed laser for thermal fatigue property evaluation 期刊论文
OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY, 2018, 卷号: 99, 页码: 382-391
Authors:  Pan SN(潘斯宁);  Yu G(虞钢);  Li SX(李少霞);  He XL(何秀丽);  Xia CY(夏春阳);  Ning WJ(宁伟健);  Zheng CY(郑彩云)
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Millisecond Pulsed Laser  Thermal Fatigue  Cast Iron  Crack Evolution  
Thermal Fatigue Behaviour of Cast Iron Induced by Pulse Laser Heating: Numerical Simulation and Experimental Studies 期刊论文
LASERS IN ENGINEERING, 2018, 卷号: 41, 期号: 1-3, 页码: 111-128
Authors:  Liu H(刘昊);  Chen PJ(陈培君);  Hao JB;  Yang HF;  He XL(何秀丽);  Yu G(虞钢)
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Nd:YAG laser  cast iron  cracking  thermal fatigue  temperature field  numerical model  finite element method (FEM)  
Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of a NiCoCrAlY Coating Prepared by Laser Cladding on a Compacted Graphite Cast Iron Surface 期刊论文
LASERS IN ENGINEERING, 2017, 卷号: 37, 期号: 4-6, 页码: 273-289
Authors:  Liu, H.;  Yu G(虞钢);  He XL(何秀丽);  Yang, H. F.;  Han, Z. T.;  Yang, HF (reprint author), China Univ Min & Technol, Sch Mech & Elect Engn, Xuzhou 221116, Jiangsu, Peoples R China.
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Nd:Yag Laser  Compacted Graphite Cast Iron (Cgci)  Nicocraly Powder  Laser Cladding  Columnar Ctystal Growth  Boa Rang Interface  Microhardness  Powder Feed Rate  
Microstructural evolution and bonding characteristic in multi-layer laser cladding of NiCoCr alloy on compacted graphite cast iron 期刊论文
Authors:  Liu H;  Hao JB;  Han ZT;  Yu G(虞钢);  He XL(何秀丽);  Yang HF;  Yang, HF (reprint author), China Univ Min & Technol, Sch Mech & Elect Engn, Xuzhou 221116, Peoples R China.
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Multi-layer Laser Cladding  Cast Iron  Bonding Interface  Microstructural Evolution  Micro-hardness  
Fatigue crack propagation in laser alloyed ductile cast iron surface 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF LASER APPLICATIONS, 2013, 卷号: 25, 期号: 1, 页码: 012003/1-012003/6
Authors:  Li ZY(李正阳);  Zhao HY;  Gu Y;  Zhong ML;  Zhang B;  Zhang HJ;  Liu WJ;  Ren ZY(任志远);  Yang MJ(杨明江);  Lin HQ;  Li, ZY (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China
Unknown(1344Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:1246/455  |  Submit date:2013/02/28
Laser Dispersed Alloying  Fatigue Resistance  Residual Stress  Ductile Cast Iron  
Analysis of resistance cracking process on the experiment of meso and macroscopic of quasi-brittle materials 会议论文
13th International Conference on Fracture 2013, ICF 2013, Beijing, China, June 16, 2013 - June 21, 2013
Authors:  Wang LM;  Xu SL;  Wang HY(汪海英);  Zhang DH
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Brittleness  Cast iron  Concretes  Cracks  Deformation  Energy dissipation  Fracture testing  Inverse problems  Materials testing  Oscillators (electronic)  Stress concentration  Cohesive cracks  Constitutive relations  Engineering materials  Fracture process  Fracture process zone  Mesoscopics  Quasibrittle material  Theoretical calculations  
Influence of processing medium on frictional wear properties of ball bearing steel prepared by laser surface melting coupled with bionic principles 期刊论文
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2010, 卷号: 505, 期号: 2, 页码: 801-807
Authors:  Zhou H;  Wang CT;  Guo QC;  Yu JX;  Wang MX(王明星);  Liao XL;  Zhao Y;  Ren LQ
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Ball Bearing Steel  Biomimetic  Laser Surface Melting  Microstructure  Microhardness  Wear Behavior  Biomimetic Nonsmooth Surface  Thermal Fatigue Resistance  Immersion Ion-implantation  Gcr15 Steel  Cast-iron  Die Steel  Behavior  Deposition  Adhesion  Films  
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