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On jet-wake flame stabilization in scramjet: A LES/RANS study from chemical kinetic and fluid-dynamical perspectives 期刊论文
AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2022, 卷号: 120, 页码: 12./通讯作者:Fan, Xuejun
Authors:  Wu K(吴坤);  Zhang, Peng;  Fan XJ(范学军)
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Supersonic combustion  Jet-wake flame stabilization  Hybrid LES  RANS  Detailed hydrogen chemistry  Counter-rotating vortex pair  
Instabilities of Thermocapillary Flows between Counter-rotating Disks 期刊论文
Procedia Engineering, 2015, 卷号: 126, 页码: 54-57
Authors:  Hu KX(胡开鑫);  He M;  Chen QS(陈启生)
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Instabilities  Thermocapillary Flow  Liquid Bridge  Counter-rotating  
Instabilities of surface tension driven flows between counter-rotating disks 会议论文
Asian Microgravity Pre-Symposium 9th China-Japan-Korea Workshop on Microgravity Sciences, 中国广西桂林/Guilin, China, 2012-10-29
Authors:  Chen QS(陈启生);  Jiang YN(姜燕妮)
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Counter  Driven  Rotating  Tension  Between  Surface  Rotation  Chebyshev  Reynolds  Method  Number  Stability  Pseudo  Prandtl  Horizontal  State  Hydrothermal  Unstable  Bifurcation  Stationary