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Dynamic Crack Propagation along Elastic Interfaces in Double Cantilever Beams under High Loading Rates 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING, 2022, 卷号: 35, 期号: 4, 页码: 9./通讯作者:Chen, Tianyu
Authors:  Chen TY(陈天宇);  Yuan, Bo;  Harvey, Christopher M.;  Zhang K(张坤);  Wang, Simon;  Silberschmidt, Vadim V.;  Wei, Bingchen
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Beam dynamics  Double cantilever beams  Dynamic mode-I energy release rate  Propagating crack  Elastic interface  
Mortar dynamic coupled model for calculating interface gas exchange between organic and inorganic matters of shale 期刊论文
ENERGY, 2021, 卷号: 236, 页码: 16./通讯作者:Jiang, Wenbin, Lin, Mian
Authors:  Cao GH(曹高辉);  Jiang WB(江文滨);  Lin M(林缅);  Ji LL(姬莉莉);  Xu ZP(徐志朋);  Zheng SP(郑思平);  Hao, Fang
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Shale gas  Dynamic transport  Interface exchange  Mortar  
An improved continuity-preserving interface reconstruction method for multi-material flow 期刊论文
COMPUTERS & FLUIDS, 2021, 卷号: 224, 页码: 13./通讯作者:Guo, Shaodong
Authors:  Liu, Shengping;  Yong, Heng;  Guo, Shaodong;  Shen YQ(申义庆);  Ni, Guoxi
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Dynamic programming interface reconstruction  Continuity-preserving  Volume-preserving  
A Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method for Modelling Soil-water Interaction 期刊论文
Procedia Engineering, 2015, 卷号: 126, 页码: 579-583
Authors:  Wu Q(吴强);  An Y(安翼);  Liu QQ(刘青泉)
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Soil-water Interaction  Large Deformation  Free Surface  Dynamic Interface  Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (Sph)