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A 3D Polycrystalline Plasticity Model for Isotropic Linear Evolution of Intragranular Misorientation with Mesoscopic Plastic Strain in Stretched or Cyclically Deformed Metals 期刊论文
METALS, 2022, 卷号: 12, 期号: 12, 页码: 21./通讯作者:Shi, Hui-Ji
Authors:  Rui SS(芮少石);  Su, Yue;  Zhao, Jia-Min;  Shang, Zhi-Hao;  Shi, Hui-Ji
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2D-EBSD mapping  intragranular misorientation  KAM and GROD  isotropic linear evolution  mesoscopic plastic strain  3D polycrystalline plasticity model  
A robust super-resolution reconstruction model of turbulent flow data based on deep learning 期刊论文
COMPUTERS & FLUIDS, 2022, 卷号: 239, 页码: 15./通讯作者:Yang, Zixuan
Authors:  Zhou ZD(周志登);  Li BL(李秉霖);  Yang XL(杨晓雷);  Yang ZX(杨子轩)
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Super-resolution model  Direct numerical simulation  Large-Eddy simulation  Isotropic turbulence  Unresolved scales  
Dynamics of interfacial gravity-capillary waves in three-dimensional fluids of great depth 期刊论文
COMPUTERS & FLUIDS, 2021, 卷号: 231, 页码: 13./通讯作者:Wang, Zhan
Authors:  Li HY(李海艳);  Wang Z(王展)
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Isotropic model  ETD  Interfacial wave  Capillary-gravity wave  
The derivation of an isotropic model for internal waves and its application to wave generation 期刊论文
OCEAN MODELLING, 2020, 卷号: 153, 页码: 9./通讯作者:Wang, Z.
Authors:  Yuan C;  Wang Z(王展);  Chen X
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3D Internal waves  Benney-Luke equation  Isotropic model  
Subgrid-scale model for large-eddy simulation of isotropic turbulent flows using an artificial neural network 期刊论文
COMPUTERS & FLUIDS, 2019, 卷号: 195, 页码: UNSP 104319./通讯作者:Jin, GD (reprint author)
Authors:  Zhou ZD(周志登);  He GW(何国威);  Wang SZ(王士召);  Jin GD(晋国栋)
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Machine learning  Artificial neural network  Subgrid-scale model  Large-eddy simulation  Isotropic turbulent flows  
Time correlations in compressible isotropic turbulence 会议论文
23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 中国北京/Beijing, China, 2012-08-19
Authors:  Li D;  He GW(何国威);  Zhang X(张星)
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Compressible  Turbulence  Time  Isotropic  Dilatational  Rescaling  Energy  Observed  Latter  Single  Found  While  Mainly  Model  Without  Source  Well  
Non-Slipping Jkr Model For Transversely Isotropic Materials 期刊论文
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2008, 页码: 676-687
Authors:  Chen SH(陈少华);  Yan C(闫聪);  Soh A;  Chen, S (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, LNM, Beijing 100080, Peoples R China.
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Adhesion  Adhesive Contact  Transversely Isotropic Material  Jkr Model  Biomimetic Fibrillar Interfaces  Gecko Foot-hair  Adhesive Contact  Elastic Spheres  Rigid Cylinder  Dugdale Model  Mechanics  Surface  Friction  Energy  
Analytical calculations of Eulerian and Lagrangian time correlations in turbulent shear flows 会议论文
5th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics, Shanghai, PEOPLES R CHINA, AUG 15-19, 2007
Authors:  Zhao X;  He GW(何国威)
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Time Correlation  Turbulent Shear Flows  Elliptic Model  Isotropic Turbulence  Velocity Autocorrelation  
A rigorous analytical method for doubly periodic cylindrical inclusions under longitudinal shear and its application 期刊论文
Mechanics of Materials, 2004, 卷号: 36, 期号: 3, 页码: 225-237
Authors:  Jiang CP(蒋持平);  Xu YL;  Cheung YK;  Lo SH;  Cheung, YK (reprint author), Univ Hong Kong, Dept Civil Engn, Pokfulam Rd, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Peoples R China.
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Double Period  Riemann Boundary Value Problem  Heterogeneous Materials  Fiber-reinforced Composites  Effective Modulus  Stress Concentration  Transversely Isotropic Constituents  Fiber-reinforced Composites  Closed-form Expressions  Effective Coefficients  Distributed Voids  Effective Moduli  Square Symmetry  Antiplane Shear  Elastic Body  Model