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Effects of oxidizers on the ignition and combustion characteristics of aluminum nanoparticles 期刊论文
COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE, 2023, 卷号: 223, 页码: 112116./通讯作者:Chu, QZ (corresponding author), Beijing Inst Technol, State Key Lab Explos Sci & Technol, 5 Zhongguancun South St, Beijing 100081, Peoples R China., Liao, LJ (corresponding author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, Key Lab Mech Fluid Solid Coupling Syst, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China.
作者:  Zhou, Yintao;  Shi, Baolu;  Chu, Qingzhao;  Liao LJ(廖丽涓)
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Aluminum nanoparticles  Oxidizer atmospheres  Ignition and combustion  Energy release  Reactive molecular dynamic simulation  
Study of Viscoelastic Properties of Graphene Foams Using Dynamic Mechanical Analysis and Coarse Grained Molecular Dynamics Simulations 期刊论文
MATERIALS, 2023, 卷号: 16, 期号: 6, 页码: 2457./通讯作者:Wang, C (corresponding author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, State Key Lab Nonlinear Mech LNM, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China., Wang, C (corresponding author), Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Sch Engn Sci, Beijing 100049, Peoples R China.
作者:  Liu, Shenggui;  Lyu, Mindong;  Yang, Cheng;  Jiang MQ(蒋敏强);  Wang C(王超)
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graphene foam materials  viscoelastic properties  dynamic mechanical analysis  microstructure  coarse grained molecular dynamics simulation  
Atomistic study on the anomalous temperature-dependent dynamic tensile strength of ice under shock loading 期刊论文
PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE, 2021, 页码: 16./通讯作者:Yin, Q. Y., Wu, X. Q.
作者:  Chen YY(陈昱羽);  Xiao KL(肖凯璐);  Yue JZ(岳军政);  Yin QY(殷秋运);  Wu XQ(吴先前);  Huang CG(黄晨光)
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Dynamic tensile strength of ice  anomalous temperature effect  molecular dynamics simulation  shock-induced pulverisation and melting  pentagonal-heptagonal defects  ductile-to-brittle transformation  
Fcc -> bcc -> hcp successive phase transformations in the strained ultrathin copper film: A molecular dynamic simulation study 期刊论文
MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2019, 卷号: 223, 页码: 171-182./通讯作者:Sun, B, Ouyang, WZ
作者:  Sun B;  欧阳文泽;  Ren JJ;  Mi LW;  Guo W
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Phase transformation  Nanometer Cu film  Uniaxial tensile strain  Molecular dynamic simulation  
Nanoscale friction behavior of the Ni-film/substrate system under scratching using MD simulation 期刊论文
TRIBOLOGY LETTERS, 2012, 卷号: 46, 期号: 2, 页码: 167-178
作者:  Liu XM(刘小明);  Liu ZL;  Wei YG(魏悦广);  Liu, XM;  Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, LNM, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China.
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Nanotribology  Friction  Reducing  Friction Mechanisms  Films  Dynamic Modeling  Molecular-dynamics Simulation  Randomly Rough Surfaces  Dislocation Nucleation  Atomistic Simulation  Contact Mechanics  Film Thickness  Thin-films  Nanoindentation  Deformation  Multilayers  
Appendant structure plays an important role in amyloidogenic cystatin dimerization prior to domain swapping 期刊论文
Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, 2012, 卷号: 30, 期号: 1, 页码: 102-112
作者:  Yu YY;  Liu X(刘鑫);  He JW;  Zhang MY;  Li H;  Wei DQ;  Song YT
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Chicken Cystatin  Conformational Disease  Cerebral-hemorrhage  Crystal-structure  Swiss-model  c Variant  Wild-type  Protein  Mutant  Environment  Molecular Dynamic Simulation  Domain Swapping  Appendant Structure  Amyloidosis  Hydrophobic Core