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Theoretical modeling of trail formation of a migrating neutrophil on substrate 期刊论文
ACTA MECHANICA SINICA, 2023, 卷号: 39, 期号: 6, 页码: 622461./通讯作者:Zhang, Y
Authors:  Zhang XN(张晓宁);  Hu WH(胡文慧);  Gao WB(高文博);  Zhang Y(章燕);  Long M(龙勉)
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Neutrophil migration  Trail formation  Theoretical modeling  Numerical calculation  Parametric analysis  
Seepage-damage coupling study of the stability of water-filled dump slope 期刊论文
Authors:  Lv XF(吕祥锋);  Wang ZW(王振伟);  Wang, JG;  Lv, XF (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, 15 North Fourth Ring Rd, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China.
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Seepage-damage Coupled Model  Water-filled Coal Rock Slope  Cracks  Pore Pressure  Dissipate  Numerical Calculation  
Stability analysis of water-filled dump slope under the couple effect of seepage and damage 期刊论文
DISASTER ADVANCES, 2012, 卷号: 5, 期号: 4, 页码: 1212-1217
Authors:  Wang ZW;  Lv XF(吕祥锋);  Wang JG;  Lv, XF (reprint author), Liaoning Tech Univ, Sch Mech & Engn, Fuxing 123000, Peoples R China.
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Seepage-damage Coupled Model  Water-filled Bed  Dump Slope  Stability  Numerical Calculation  
Numerical simulations of the temperature and velocity fields in a plasma-arc system and equilibrium calculations of steam injected for syngas recovery from POPs 会议论文
Joint Conference: International Thermal Treatment Technologies (IT3) and Hazardous Waste Combustors (HWC), Cincinnati, OH, United states, May 18, 2009 - May 21, 2009
Authors:  Wang Y(王阳);  Tian JG(田君国);  Li YJ(李要建);  Wang R(王蕊);  Xu YX(徐永香);  Sheng HZ(盛宏至);  Sheng, H. ([email protected])
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Arc  Cathode Jet  Cathode Spot  Destruction Efficiency  Direct Current  Electrical Energy  Energy Inputs  Energy Transformation  Environmentally-friendly  Equilibrium Calculation  Experimental Facilities  Magnetohydrodynamic Model  Magnetohydrodynamic Plasmas  Molar Ratio  Numerical Simulation  Persistent Organic Pollutants  Plasma Systems  Product Distributions  Pyrolysis Process  Steam Content  Syn-gas  Velocity Field