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风暴增水-天文潮-海浪耦合效应与我国沿海风暴潮淹没研究 学位论文
硕士论文,北京: 中国科学院大学, 2018
Authors:  吴西庆勇
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风暴潮  adcirc+swan  耦合效应  增水  淹没  
Effects of tide-surge interaction and wave set-up/set-down on surge: case studies of tropical cyclones landing China's Zhe-Min coast 期刊论文
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 2018, 卷号: 8, 期号: 3, 页码: 153-159
Authors:  吴西庆勇;  Li JC(李家春);  Nie BC(聂冰川)
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Tide-surge interaction  Wave set-up  Storm surge  ADCIRC+SWAN  Saomai