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Response characteristics and impact resistance of composite laminates with shear stiffening gel under hypervelocity impact 期刊论文
ACTA ASTRONAUTICA, 2024, 卷号: 219, 页码: 858-870./通讯作者:Zhang, Kun, Wei, Bingchen
Authors:  Liu ZS(刘子尚);  Jiang QY(姜泉宇);  Liu YZ(刘一哲);  Zhang K(张坤);  Wei YP(魏延鹏);  Chen TY(陈天宇);  Guo YC(郭雅悰);  Lu LL(路玲玲);  Wei BC(魏炳忱)
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Composite laminate  Shear stiffening gel  Vibration  Hypervelocity impact  Polyvinylidene fluoride  
Combustion dynamics of high Mach number scramjet under different inflow thermal nonequilibrium conditions 期刊论文
ACTA ASTRONAUTICA, 2023, 卷号: 208, 页码: 281-295./通讯作者:Wu, K
Authors:  Ao Y(敖彧);  Wu K(吴坤);  Lu, Hongbo;  Ji, Feng;  Fan XJ(范学军)
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Hypervelocity combustion  Thermal nonequilibrium  Two-temperature model  Numerical simulation  
Numerical study of high temperature non-equilibrium effects of double-wedge in hypervelocity flow 期刊论文
AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2022, 卷号: 124, 页码: 17./通讯作者:Sun, Bo
Authors:  Dai, Chunliang;  Sun, Bo;  Zhuo, Changfei;  Zhou, Shengbing;  Zhou, Changsheng;  Yue LJ(岳连捷)
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Hypervelocity double-wedge flow  High temperature non-equilibrium effects  Laminar and turbulence flow  Shock wave interaction  Shock wave  boundary layer interaction  
On theory and methods for advanced detonation-driven hypervelocity shock tunnels 期刊论文
NATIONAL SCIENCE REVIEW, 2020, 卷号: 7, 期号: 7, 页码: 1198-1207./通讯作者:Jiang, Zonglin
Authors:  Jiang ZL(姜宗林);  Li JP(李进平);  Hu ZM(胡宗民);  Liu YF(刘云峰);  Yu HR(俞鸿儒)
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hypervelocity  shock tunnel  detonation driver  flight condition  tailored condition  test facilities  
Numerical simulation of ti-based metallic glasses as whipple shield bumper by smoothed particle hydrodynamics methods 会议论文
20th Chinese Materials Conference, CMC 2019, 10 July 2019 through 14 July 2019
Authors:  Tang WQ(唐伟奇);  Zhang K(张坤);  Li YS(李炎森);  Wang Y(王洋);  Zhang YT(张亚婷);  Wei BC(魏炳忱)
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Hypervelocity impact  Metallic glasses (MGs)  Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH)  Whipple shield  
Spectral measurements of hypervelocity flow in an expansion tunnel 期刊论文
ACTA MECHANICA SINICA, 2019, 卷号: 35, 期号: 1, 页码: 24-31./通讯作者:Yuan, CK
Authors:  Yuan CK(苑朝凯);  Zhou K(周凯);  Liu YF(刘云峰);  Hu ZM(胡宗民);  Jiang ZL(姜宗林)
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Spectral measurement  Hypervelocity flow  Radiation  Expansion tunnel  
爆轰驱动膨胀管性能研究 期刊论文
航空学报, 2016, 卷号: 37, 期号: 3, 页码: 810-816
Authors:  周凯;  汪球;  胡宗民;  姜宗林
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Hypervelocity  Detonation-driven  Expansion Tube  Performance Study  Experimental Tests  Numerical Simulation  
On the numerical technique for the simulation of hypervelocity test flows 期刊论文
Computers & Fluids, 2015, 卷号: 106, 页码: 12-18
Authors:  Hu ZM(胡宗民);  Wang C(王春);  Jiang ZL(姜宗林);  Khoo BC;  Hu ZM(胡宗民)
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Hypervelocity Test Flow  Dcd Scheme  Flux-splitting  Spurious Oscillation  
Amorphous alloy reinforced Whipple shield structure 期刊论文
Authors:  Huang X(黄鑫);  Ling Z(凌中);  Liu ZD;  Zhang HS(张虎生);  Dai LH(戴兰宏);  Dai, LH;  Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, State Key Lab Nonlinear Mech, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China.
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Hypervelocity Impact  Amorphous Alloy  Metallic Glass  Whipple Shield  Ballistic Limit Equations  Bulk Metallic Glasses  Hypervelocity Impact  Debris Clouds  Electrothermal Explosion  Spacecraft  Fracture  Coatings  Powders  
Hypervelocity impact of the icy droplet on al shell at nanoscale:A molecular dynamics probe 期刊论文
宁波大学学报(理工版)/JOURNAL OF NINGBO UNIVERSITY (NSEE), 2012, 卷号: 25, 期号: 1, 页码: 94-97
Authors:  Yuan QZ(袁泉子);  Zhao YP(赵亚溥)
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超高速撞击  分子动力学模拟  碎片云  冰滴  Hypervelocity Impact  Molecular Dynamics  Debris Cloud  Icy Droplet