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Exponential relaxation of the energy and desorption dynamics of atoms colliding with a surface 期刊论文
PHYSICA SCRIPTA, 2024, 卷号: 99, 期号: 3, 页码: 10./通讯作者:Liu, Chong, Fan, Jing
Authors:  Ceng DD(曾丹丹);  Jiang JZ(蒋建政);  Liu C(刘崇);  Fan J(樊菁)
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atom-surface interaction  energy relaxation  residence time  molecular dynamics  
Transient dynamics of a full wheel rail set passing a weld irregularity at high speed 期刊论文
ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS, 2023, 卷号: 148, 页码: 107203./通讯作者:Liu, X
Authors:  Liu XM(刘小明);  Liu, C;  Wu, W;  Liu, JZ;  Sun, SC;  Wei, YG
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Weld irregularity  Axle box acceleration  Finite element analysis  Safety limit  
Data-driven turbulence model for unsteady cavitating flow 期刊论文
PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, 2023, 卷号: 35, 期号: 1, 页码: 18./通讯作者:Wang, Yiwei
Authors:  Zhang Z(张珍);  Wang JZ(王静竹);  Huang RF(黄仁芳);  Qiu RD(丘润荻);  Chu, Xuesen;  Ye SR(叶舒然);  Wang YW(王一伟);  Liu, Qingkuan
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Pilot-scale study on NO emissions from coarse coal combustion preheated by circulating fluidized bed 期刊论文
FUEL, 2020, 卷号: 280, 页码: 10./通讯作者:Zhu, Shujun
Authors:  Zhu SJ(朱书骏);  Zhu JG(朱建国);  Lyu QG;  Liu JZ;  Ouyang ZQ
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Pilot-scale  Coarse coal combustion  NO emissions  Preheating  Circulating fluidized bed  
Comparative study of mucoadhesive and mucus-penetrative nanoparticles based on phospholipid complex to overcome the mucus barrier for inhaled delivery of baicalein 期刊论文
ACTA PHARMACEUTICA SINICA B, 2020, 卷号: 10, 期号: 8, 页码: 1576-1585./通讯作者:Liu, Yuling
Authors:  Dong WJ;  Ye J;  Zhou JZ;  Wang WJ;  Wang HL;  Zheng X(郑旭);  Yang YF;  Xia XJ;  Liu YL
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Nanoparticles  Inhaled delivery  Mucus-penetrative  Mucoadhesive  Baicalein  
Langevin dynamics with energy dissipation on periodic lattice structures modeling as an equivalent two-body method for atom-surface interactions 期刊论文
MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS, 2019, 卷号: 6, 期号: 12, 页码: 125507./通讯作者:Liu, C, Fan, J (reprint author)
Authors:  Zeng DD(曾丹丹);  Liu C(刘崇);  Jiang JZ(蒋建政);  Fan J(樊菁)
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atom-surface interactions  trapping probability  scattering angle  residence time  dissipating parameters  energy accommodation coefficients  
Numerical study of scour depth effect on wave-induced seabed response and liquefaction around a pipeline 期刊论文
MARINE GEORESOURCES & GEOTECHNOLOGY, 2019, 页码: 12./通讯作者:Wang, Shuqing
Authors:  Li H;  Wang SQ;  Chen XG;  Hu C(胡存);  Liu JZ
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Pipeline  liquefaction depth  scour depth  pore pressure response  anisotropic seabed  
Accumulation of Pore Pressure in a Soft Clay Seabed around a Suction Anchor Subjected to Cyclic Loads 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 2019, 卷号: 7, 期号: 9, 页码: 21./通讯作者:Chen, Xuguang
Authors:  Li H;  Chen XG;  Hu C(胡存);  Wang SQ;  Liu JZ
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soft clay  cyclic loads  residual pore pressure  suction anchor  
Temperature triggered stoichiometry-dependent desorption from the growth interface of nanofilm 期刊论文
Journal of Applied Physics, 2018, 卷号: 124, 期号: 23, 页码: ID235306
Authors:  Liu C(刘崇);  Wang LH(王连红);  Zheng YT;  Zeng DD(曾丹丹);  Jiang JZ(蒋建政);  Fan J(樊菁)
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Study of the swirling flow field induced by guide vanes using electrical resistance tomography and numerical simulations 期刊论文
CHEMICAL ENGINEERING COMMUNICATIONS, 2018, 卷号: 205, 期号: 10, 页码: 1351-1364
Authors:  Zhang JZ;  Liu S(刘硕);  Li H(李华);  Chen XP(陈小平);  Ma JW;  Xu JY(许晶禹)
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