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Emergent failure transition of pearlitic steel at extremely high strain rates 期刊论文
COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE, 2023, 卷号: 219, 页码: 13./通讯作者:Wang YJ, Dai LH
Authors:  Liang LW(梁伦伟);  Dai SC(戴仕诚);  Chen Y(陈艳);  Wang HY(汪海英);  Wang YJ(王云江);  Dai LH(戴兰宏)
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Pearlitic steels  Fracture  Crack  Dislocation nucleation  Molecular dynamics  
Formation of Moire superstructure of epitaxial graphene on Pt(111): A molecular dynamic simulation investigation 期刊论文
MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2020, 卷号: 253, 页码: 9./通讯作者:Sun, Bin, Ouyang, Wenze
Authors:  Sun B;  欧阳文泽;  Gu JB;  Wang CJ;  Wang JJ;  Mi LW
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Overlarge Gauge Factor Yields a Large Measuring Error for Resistive-Type Stretchable Strain Sensors 期刊论文
ADVANCED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, 2020, 页码: 6./通讯作者:Su, Yewang
Authors:  Li S(李爽);  Liu GD(刘国栋);  Wang LW;  Fang GH;  Su YW(苏业旺)
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gauge factor  stretchable strain sensors  wearable electronics  
Evolution of concentration and phase structure of colloidal suspensions in a two-ends-open tube during drying process 期刊论文
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2020, 卷号: 10, 期号: 1, 页码: 9./通讯作者:Xu, Shenghua
Authors:  Wang SW(王申伟);  Zhou HW(周宏伟);  Sun ZW(孙祉伟);  Xu SH(徐升华);  欧阳文泽;  Wang LW(王林伟)
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Determination of Bulk Modulus for a Colloidal Crystal with Highly Charged Particles by DC Electric Field 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 2019, 卷号: 123, 期号: 36, 页码: 7864-7871./通讯作者:Xu, Shenghua
Authors:  Wang LW(王林伟);  Xu SH(徐升华);  Zhou HW(周宏伟);  Sun ZW(孙祉伟);  欧阳文泽;  Wang SW(王申伟)
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带电胶体粒子弹性有效电荷测量的理论改进 期刊论文
物理学报/ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2017, 卷号: 66, 期号: 6, 页码: 066102
Authors:  王林伟;  徐升华;  周宏伟;  孙祉伟;  欧阳文泽;  徐丰
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有效电荷  剪切模量  Shear Modulus  Voids  孔隙  胶体晶体  Colloidal Crystal  Effective Charge  
Experimental Study of Ignition and Flame Characteristics of Surrogate of Cracked Hydrocarbon Fuels in Supersonic Crossflow 会议论文
21st AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonics Technologies Conference, Xiamen, China, 6-9 March 2017
Authors:  Cheng LW(程柳维);  Zhong FQ(仲峰泉);  Wang ZP(王知溥);  Gu HB(顾洪斌);  Ma SG(马素刚);  Zhang XY(张新宇)
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Combustors  Cracks  Diesel Engines  Efficiency  Ethylene  Fighter Aircraft  Fuels  High Speed Cameras  Ignition  Kerosene  Luminance  Spacecraft  Stabilization  
Effect of void structures crystalline structure on the shear moduli of charged colloidal crystals 期刊论文
Authors:  Wang LW(王林伟);  Xu SH(徐升华);  Zhou HW(周宏伟);  Sun ZW(孙址伟);  Xu F;  Wang, LW (reprint author), Beijing Jiaotong Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Beijing 100044, Peoples R China.;  Wang, LW;  Xu, SH (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, Key Lab Micrograv, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China.;  Xu, SH (reprint author), Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Sch Engn Sci, Beijing 100049, Peoples R China.
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超声速燃烧室乙烯点火及释热分布的实验研究 会议论文
第九届全国流体力学学术会议, 中国江苏南京, 2016-10-20
Authors:  程柳维;  仲峰泉;  王知溥;  顾洪斌;  张新宇
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超声速燃烧  释热分布  ch*发光  点火过程  
A Numerical Study on Metallic Powder Flow in Coaxial Laser Cladding 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF APPLIED FLUID MECHANICS, 2016, 卷号: 9, 期号: 5, 页码: 2247-2256
Authors:  Liu H;  Hao JB;  Yu G(虞刚);  Yang HF;  Wang LW;  Han ZT;  Liu, H (reprint author), China Univ Min & Technol, Sch Mech & Elect Engn, Xuzhou 221116, Jiangsu, Peoples R China.
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Coaxial Laser Cladding  Gas-solid Flow  Powder Concentration Distribution  Substrate Shape